Sold it for $17k with 55k on it or so. Picked up a 2000 Lexus GS400 for $9k with 64k on the engine. I have my seat extenders left over if anyone is interested in buying them: I also have a DICE ipod integration kit.
Me too. I can't get over your trade though. That's a great price for a nice car with such low miles!! Are you modifying that too?
Nothing major, probably just lower it + rims. Hate to see the prius go, but i'm purchasing a house soon and wanted to put some money towards school loans.
Ordered these wheels which arrive tomorrow, and coilovers which arrive hopefully this week or next.: Pics of my new (used) '00 Lexus GS400 with only 65k on the clock. Looked like it had never been waxed though. Had it detailed and now it's minty fresh again: full write up: before shots: 50/50 progress shots: finished: