2010 model; dealer has recommended 10,000-mile oil changes, because they're now using synthetic oil. Car has 30,000 miles. Is that standard...? Any ideas out there...? Thanx in advance for any input. Charlie.
US engine oil/filter interval for normal conditions using 0W-20 has officially changed to 10,000 miles. Frequent short trips in cold weather, etc. lead to 5,000 mile interval. The car has always used synthetic oil, it is only the recommended interval that has changed. There are multiple threads here on the topic if you want to read all about it.
In the USA, the oil change interval is now 10k miles. Although you can change it more frequently if you want, Toyota says it is unnecessary. In Canada, the oil change interval is still 5k miles, although most count it in kilometers. Enjoy your car!
Our mechanic (a family member) says the way to determine when to change the oil is to look at it on the dipstick. If it starts getting discolored it is time to change, but don't go over the 10,000 mark. As has been mentioned, there has been a lot of previous discussion on this and the change from 5000 to 10000 in the US just happened about a year ago, while in much of the rest of the world it had been in place longer. Your driving conditions also have a lot to do with it, such as short trips, etc. And remember that is is better to be safe (change it earlier) than sorry.
Hi All, I am at 5077 miles right now. The oil is not even black! Its still translucent brown on the stick. This 1.8 liter engine must run really cold. My 2006 Prius oil was always black on the stick at 5000 miles (Mobile 1 5W30). So, 10000 miles seems reasonable based on this observation. I will get my oil changed soon, just because of the possibility of machining debriis. But after that I will be going with the 10000 miles. My driving is somewhat slow, and since Septermber. So, its not seen any high temperature driving, like one might see in Texas, or west of there.
I would venture to say if your oil was put in a jug it would be black. It isn't going to be any different than a new II. A colder running engine will cause blacker oil sooner, and more engine wear, than a normal temperature running engine
I just changed my oil an hour ago (7,481 miles). It was darker than out of the jug, but does that mean it is no good? The only way to really tell is the have an UOA done and I have my sample ready to be shipped. I will see what the analysis says and if good, I will push the OCI up to 10,000 miles. But I am thinking the hash environment up here may not allow it.
Well that really isn't a valid statement since oil is suppose to become discolored as it picks up fine particles, you really should worry if once you put clean fresh oil in it doesn't do that. Synthetic will go much further than mineral oil, the only way to really be certain when to change oil if you do an extended service is to have the oil tested. The primary things you want to ensure is that the oil has not loss viscosity and is not overly contaminated with particulates and metallic items that are in suspension. You certainly don't want to the filter go into bypass and stop collecting those suspended contaminates. There is an added benefit of oil tests that required several samples to establish a base line so trends can also be spotted before major components fail.
After pressing the service manager at my dealership where I bought the car he admitted it was best to change the oil at 5K but that they wouldn't because Toyota recommended 10K. So here is the question the oil can withstand 10k but what about the filter? To me the weak link in all of this is if the filter can still be effective up to the 10K mark. FishHawk
I assume you've been changing oil at 5K using conventional oil, and now want to switch to 10K intervals using synthetic. Synthetic at 10K intervals is what TMC recommends for Prius and it's okay to switch to synthetic if you haven't been using it. It cost a little more, but you'll go a little further on it. I use synthetic. I also use my oil change interval as a time to check my cabin air filter located behind the glove box. Refer to your owner's manual for simple instructions on how to remove and check.
If you don't feel comfortable waiting 10,000 Don't. I wont be. It's cheap insurance to change it earlier. It's not like it holds 15 qts like a diesel does