I thought i would share this with the group... I removed the prius emblem hoping to have a clean looking trunk only to find two holes under the "P" and "U". Just wanted to post this info to share in case anyone is wondering. in hindsight it wasnt worth breaking my emblem and scratching the body for!
That's too bad. It would be nothing I personally would consider doing, so I never paid that close attention, but I think there have been some threads on debadging a Prius. Hindsight is 20/20 but they might of helped you avoid some angst. You might try looking them up even now. Might be some advice as to what to do once the emblem is removed.
You should have searched before doing this. I think most people know there are holes under the emblems. So what you gonna do next to fix this?
i got something in the works.. ill update this post in a few days.. you guys got any ideas? How about a sticker of Calvin pissing on a Honda emblem? Just kidding!
you really shouldntve needed to break the emblem if you were removing it properly even with it planted in holes. just takes some patience and wiggling around. the holes can be filled with putty, even light scratches can be removed, but a new emblem will cost a lil money. Yup, your free project probably just turned into a $50 project. Good luck though.
Thanks for the info I was not aware of the holes. My suggestion, see the idea through. Get a few quotes to fill and shoot the filler. Most good shops could even buff or color sand out the minor scratches.
Sometimes they're glued on. I took the AWD sticker off my Subaru (because it already had 3 other stickers to that effect elsewhere on the car), but it came off without a real risk to scratch or break anything in the process, so I figured it was reversible if necessary. I also take off the dealer stickers ASAP while the paint underneath is the same color & weathering as that around it. I keep the dealer plate holder, but their stickers are just too much.
To be specific, some people know that those particular emblems, on your particular model, have holes. It varies by model year, and emblem location. A summary would be nice. *hint hint*
No holes on the Gen2... except behind the two bit Circle T's. Nothing behind any of the others. Come off clean and nice. Want to trade cars?
More holes... Here's the thread with pics of what it looked like when someone removed all the emblems back in June 09' and then how it looked after he painted it a bit: http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-iii...cations/64335-debadged-rear-end-pictures.html
okay heres my solution to the prius emblem removal... a modified TRD "toyota racing development" emblem!