I only got one pic for now. I couldnt take it, found a deal on something through work, so I snatched em up. Not 100% sold on them yet, but they are growing on me. They weigh one pound less than the stocks, mpg hasnt really been affected, maybe a half a mpg is all. Anyways, I will get more pics tomorrow when it stops raining.
sandog53 please let us know wat size/brand those rims are i noticed you blacked your tailights have u ever gotten pulled over for them yet? and how long have they been blacked? those lights look dark as hell which is what i want but i'm scared about getting a ticket because i got a window tint ticket the other day for having 5% in the front
The windows are tinted 20%, the windshield is 55%, the tails are done with lamin-x, not sure of the darkness. I have never been stopped for the tail tint in any of my cars, not to say I will not, because I am sure it can and will someday happed, but so far so good. I also tinted the 3rd brake light as well. I took the spoiler off and painted it, five axis kit, and tein springs. The wheels are 18" MSR 045 in black with the silver ring. I was worried about weight, but not that worried, and these ended up being a pound lighter than stock. They are 18x8s with a +35 offset. So they are pushed out just a little bit. Tires are 215/40/18 Nitto Invos. Ride is great, didnt affect our mpg too bad. I will get more pics of it today once I get it cleaned up. Thanks guys!
bAthinAzn, I think they look darker than they are because they are backlit. Any foreground dark colors are going to look even darker in that lighting. Good point are the wheels. Most detail is lost. That being said, the wheels are very nice. They go with the lower profile.
what i dont get sandog53 is y not tint your windows 5%? i recommend it all the way! just thinking about the taillights now..... how are they in the nighttime? can you see them good or just barely visible? great wheels btw on topic..
I like the tint on the rear taillights. It makes it more Gen II-ish because it masks the sharp angles of the Gen III. I see also that you've mentioned that you've tinted the rear center brake light. I would like to emulate what you did, but I'm concerned about #1 the legality and #2 the liability issues. If someone were to rear-end me with those tinted lights, would that be a major liability issue?