I guess I bought more for the environmental statement and less on the actual current price of gas. But even at $2.19 it was $15.95 for the Prius vs. $35 for the white car.....definitely noticable.
isnt funny now that gas seems to have gone down that now many are saying that the gas is too cheap! yikes......is it me but i still remember it being like $1.65-1.80/gallon..... these high gas prices have desensitized many of us.....just a few weeks the prices were over $3 in miami........now we are enjoying a short term of it being from $2.59-2.65 i guess we have 2 more yrs of hell & war b4 things will change (hopefully) -- oh yeah.....i havent had much gas put in my car since escaping wilma.......& i'm still on full.....hmmmm
Petreolum products are severely underpriced. I sincerely look forward to gasoline at $10 per gallon AND being able to recharge my vehicle from the grid. My electric meter will continue to run backwards as I export "surplus" electricity from my photovoltaic panels and sine wave inverter. Gasoline at $10 per gallon will help reinforce a conservation and efficiency ethic vs. the current ostentatious consumption, spew and speed ethic.
I'm with cocoatreat on that. No matter what the gas price is...at any given time MY gas savings will always be 50%+. So, I'll always be spending less on gas no matter what the price. And I will have fun with the rest of the money NOT spent on the other 50% (or less) for gas. Just my way of looking at it, Aaron
the reason that gas prices have gone down!???? could it be that the big four are having problems selling their suv's??? this false sense of lower gas prices is simply luring buyers into buying those massive gas guzzlers again......one may feel a bit better with the prices being less.....but the public has such short memories....... a few weeks ago i remember people doing the gas rips at the gas stations.......i remember people cutting back their driving habits tremendously.......... i live in miami & ft lauderdale is 35 miles away... & i'll tell ya.....in my other car....i would cringe to do that distance! i even remember people slowing down in the interstates.......but now its going back rush-rush again! oh well :huh:
That's a pretty naieve statement. Assuming you actually have that solar system, it still won't prevent you from having to eat the consequences of $10 per gallon gas when you pay for life's necessities, or make you immune from the economic damage that such high energy prices will cause.