I need to replace my front bumper. Is it difficult or is there anything special I should be aware of?
Toyota recommends disconnecting the battery negative before starting work like this. The hard part is paint. If you buy a new one, it will be black. If you haven't painted a bumper like this before, it is not an easy DIY thing.
Best to have it painted by body shop. The paint is a base color coat, then a clear coat to finish. It takes some time to remove and replace a bumper, because of all the connection points.....not difficult, just time consuming.
Note the position of the edges as relates to the mating parts before dis-assembly, it differs going around the edge, and it doesn't necessarily just fall into the correct position going back on.There's a hidden bolt at each far back corner (10mm head). It helps to have two people going back together, where it fits around the headlight is a little bit tricky. If it's been wrecked before it can be more difficult due to fitment. Check to make sure the mounting pads by the fenders aren't broken, replace if necessary.
^ +1 Good advice. I've had mine off twice and it wasn't difficult but far from fun. Take pictures as you go with removal and be sure to keep the bolts sorted by location - there are differences. - D