Prius Hi guys, new here. Just sold my 4runner and am now looking into buying a Prius. I actually found one here in Las Vegas private party, its a 2009 Prius. My question is, is $20,000 to much to pay for this? If so, what would be a fair offer?
I don't shop for used Priuses, but at first glance, that sounds way too high for a private party vehicle. You can lookup used car values at places like 2009 Toyota Prius. I don't understand the bolded part. I can't see the dash well but there were no significant changes to the dash between the 08 and 09 model year (or 06 thru 09, for that matter). The 04 and 05 models had the same design but a different dash material and texture than 06-09 models. might help you in your shopping. Good luck.
I sold my 2009 package 5 on 1/3/11 at 14,800 miles for $18.5k, like new condition, so $20k is a little high for the three. Maybe 17.5 ish is closer? I think 2011 Three w/o nav can still be had for about $24k before TTL and that's a good bit more car. check, nadaguides, and edmunds , input the options and specify private party sale. Those 3 sources should be pretty close to each other. The pack 5 sold for about $2k more than the 3 in 2009. But, you won't have to worry about the HIDs on the 5 which have been canned after 2009.
Cycledrum, that seems like a great price you sold yours for. I think its pretty hard to find deals like that around here though. I cant find any on autotrader/craigslist/ with low miles or for less then $20,000 I looked up blue book and it says $17,300 for "good" condition and $18,500 for "excellent". It seems like these cars are pretty hard to find in this area right now do to gas prices, im wondering if $18,000 would be a fair price for the both of us? Id be saving like $7000-$8000 from buying private party, do you think I would be doing "ok" if I get it for $18,500? Could the value increase from the whole japan thing going on?
How is that? Are you asserting that buying some Prius (same model year) or a new one comparably equipped would be somewhere between $25K and $28K? If KBB says $17,300 for "good" condition and $18,500 for "excellent" for a private party, then $20K, IMHO from a private party is simply nuts. I've sold 2 cars in the past and at the time, KBB tended to be on the high end and Edmunds on the low end. There was no way I could dream of fetching KBB private party value, let alone significantly above it.
It would be more correct to say that you are potentially saving that amount by buying a two-year-old Prius vs. a new one. At the prices that you have quoted, it doesn't seem like you are saving much by buying from a private party. If you want to talk about the savings from buying from a private party, you would need to compare the price of a 2009 in similar condition purchased from a dealer, vs. this private party. I don't know about Nevada - but in most states, when you buy a vehicle from a private party, you have to pay "use tax" which is the equivalent of state sales tax when you register the vehicle at your state's DMV.