I just picked up my new prius yesterday from my uncle, who sells Toyota's in Moscow, ID. Its a package 4, Tideland Pearl 05. It came in at 24k and change with all the options. I could have picked up the extended warranty for $700 more but opted to wait until later. I drove it back over the Snoqualmie pass in Washington the very same day to my home in Lake Stevens, WA. Averaged 47mpg thus far on 3/4 of a tank...which includes going over some mountain passes! I used cruise control for much of the trip because I found it gave me good consistent milage. I'm no expert on pulse and glide yet. Its not that easy! I can't tell you how impressed I am. All cars have their deficiencies. Fortunately, all of my Prius' can be remedied. My only real gripe at the moment is the cloth seats. I've done my own seatcover installations so I'll likely be upgrading them myself in the future. Its not that difficult. Here comes the bad news..... So I come home and show the kids (8yo and 11yo) and they are totally blown away. I mean they absolutely love the technology, the screen, features, etc. What's worse.....my wife. I give her the second FOB and she jumps in to take it for a ride. I give her a quick breakdown on how to drive it, etc. We jump in and take it for a brief ride. Then...the unthinkable! "I like this...I want one!" Although, I think we'll be looking at the Highlander for her in March when her Volvo lease runs out. Thank god I have an uncle in the Toyota business or I'd never get my hands on a Highlander. Future upgrades: I have an infinity Basslink subwoofer I'd like to mount in the back. I have the stock stereo and it could be better. Its not bad, but its not great either. I'm coming from a Volvo S80 which has some of the best audio you can get in a car. Tint (darkest legally allowed) Speaker upgrade Sirius Radio (can't decide if I'm getting removeable). Leather seats
WHEW!!! man oh man the title of your post scared the bejeesus out of me im glad to hear it was a "friendly" hostile takeover. welcome to PriusChat, you need to checkout one of the local meetings we hope to have here someday.
Why does the wife have to have a Highlander? Can't she have a Prius too? Why don't you take the Highlander and let her have the Prius if you have to have a Highlander? Just curious.
Congratulations on the purchase, and happy to hear how well accepted it was within the family I just bought one for my wife and she keeps asking me "how much longer do I have it for before you take it from me?" <_<
Hey there, SiS. Welcome to Priuschat and congrats on the new car. If I could go back in time, I would go back to the day I picked up Priapus. That first drive home and the following weeks were the greatest. I got a similar response from my wife. Fotunately for me, however, she is more interested in the Hybrid Camry. I have told her that it would be my pleasure to get her a Prius but she's holding out. Glad to hear that your family has so quickly and wholeheartedly accepted the hybrid technology. Looks like you'll be a dual-hybrid family soon enough.
We have two kids (8 and 12) and a labrador. We also have some family across the state and take frequent trips. I don't think we could take any reduction in space over our existing V70 2.4T wagon. If she wants a hybrid, I'm not going to say anything that might make her change her mind. I've learned to bite my tongue after 13 years of marriage.
The HH gets about half the mileage of the Prius and I doubt it'll be as much fun, but it certainly does have more room. You two should probably learn to share the Prius (say, switch every month?) instead of hogging it for yourself.