It's just one of those things about owning a Prius. I scraped one of those parking barriers and was very lucky not to pull the bumper off when I backed up. Now I err to the other side and leave my butt sticking out a little, still alot less than the huge SUV next to me.
The hubby took some polishing compound to it last night and while it's still there, it's much less noticeable than before, so I don't feel quite so bad. I parked in my spot without incident this morning, so things are looking up! Unfortunately, we can't back into our spots at work or we'll get ticketed, so that isn't an option. Thanks again for making me feel like I'm not the only one in the world who did this!
I feel your pain. We hit a tired shred from a semi last week and tore up the underside, had to replace all the covery bits. My baby was 2 weeks old. then the tow driver got grease on the inside of the door. The dealership got it clean but I was so bummed that it got messed up so quickly.
Watch out also when you open the hatch: it might hit the roof of your garage. Or be fine, until you open/close the garage door.
Should be a very easy fix. i have a guy here in phoenix that I use. As long as it is plastic, its not a problem. When you get into the metal, not so easy to fix. What I would do if I were you, is ask to speak to the guy that is repairing the spoiler. Ask him how much it would cost to do the repair if you don't go through the dealership. If he doesn't do that kind of work, he will know someone that does. The guy I use spends most of his time at the BMW dealership up the street. I just take my car over to the BMW dealership and he does it there. I sell used cars on the side, and he has fixed some pretty gnarly bumpers for me. Do you have a pic of the damage?