Lakeforest Toyota in Maryland seems to have the best "no haggle" price around. Invoice was $25xxx, Value Price $24xxx, Internet Price out the door $23461. Able to haggle $99 dealer prep. Did not purchase any additional warranties or service
Fitzgerald is a nice dealership. I used their own price against them and had a competing dealership win my business when I bought my Subaru.
:cheer2: Wow great price! Can you share the rep you worked with or even provide a copy of the sales receipt?? I'm looking for a Prius 3 at that price!! And what is the sales tax at MD?? I think a trip there from NY wouldn't be so bad!
Slow down just a tad. NY state and I believe most others have an agreement that the sales tax is based on your domicile not where you purchase the car. If you buy it in MD you still pay your own states sales tax. Nice try !!!!!!!
I got a 2010 Prius III w/ pearl white paint, speaker upgrade (JBL) and rear bumper protector from DARCAR in MD in the middle of January. Got it for $22,300 w/ .9% financing. Bet you couldn't get that today... Flew up from Maimi and drove home. It was that much cheaper than what I could find here.
All states will require the sales tax when you register the car or the seller will send it to them when you purchse out of state.
Even So.. if it was 23461 OTD NY state tax is.. 8.75 NY and MD is like 6 I believe.. not 100% sure.. I'm looking at a difference of 570-600 bux.. I'm sure I would be able to get it at 24000 OTD then. You think??? Still a great deal!