Hi All, I have been around these forums for a couple of months now. I bought ravenmaniac's Prius in Feb from Washington and got it shipped to Houston. It is an awesome car and I got an awesome deal on it. I know the pics are due. So here they are.
Thanks, All credits to ravenmaniac. I have yet to make any changes to the Prius but currently I am not planning for any. Need to save money atm.
Love the tape deck. Would swap it any day for the CD player as the 2005 doesn't have an AUX. I got 48.9 MPG (on the display) 46.6 (in reality from the trip meter divided by the fillup) on a tank of gas. But this included my 20 miles one way commuting. Waiting 10 minutes everyday on co-workers to carpool. Best I have got is 56 MPG on a 50 mile one way highway trip. I was cruising all the way between 65 to 70 MPH. I got 53 MPG on return. I have noticed that once the engine is hot I get great MPGs. Unfortunately with the current temperatures I only reach that efficiency towards the end of my daily commute but that should improve in the summer. Houston freeways are very straight but there are a lot of climbs and rolls because the intersections are going under the freeway. I think it hurts the MPG a lot as I see the engine come up when the car is climbing and then shut down when it is going downhill. I drive on cruise control 90% of the time for comfort purposes.
WOW! She still looks beautiful!! Zitter, do you know the words to the song, "Take good care of my Baby!"....LOL Pics look good. Good to hear that you are enjoying the Prius ownership "experience" Have a great evening! When the Mini gets over 200k miles on it, I'll give you a heads up...
Funny you should mention that. When I bought my 2005, I made the same observation about the CD player. Music content has been digitized for the masses since before 2000 and the standards were pretty well established around then- mp3, wav and m4a. I was surprised then and I STILL see CD players in new vehicles.
Yea, 6 disc changers. Please... Tape decks co-existed with CD players because people had their music on the tapes. We now have the same situation with the CDs and digital players.
My car looks exactly same, clean and all, except for rims, antenna and a cargo mat. I pretty much keep everything stock at 122,000 miles. Good job keeping it so clean. What maintenance have you done so far on it?