So I had bought a lockpick hoping to run my pc with a gps program installed through the MFD. I got it to work but was not all happy with the way it looked on screen, or the fact that the pc loaction was not stealhy enough. So I searched and decided on the Garmin GVN 53. I installed the "brains" in the map pocket and ran the wires down behind the center dash console. What a great installation. I hooked it to the video lead and it was perfect - EXCEPT the screen runs off the edges of the MFD. Does anyone have experience with the GVN 53? I need to know how to work the advanced video settings screen. I know some combination of controls in there will solve my rpoblem but I haven't found them yet. I have emailed Garmin and am also waiting for a reply from them. When I get it right I'll post pics.
I have a GVN53 (FYI it is not compatible with the rear camera hack) and AFAIK there are no adjustments for screen size. You can changed the position, flicker rate, and make fine adjustments with the front porch, back porch and sync rates for horizontal and vertical but none of those with change the size of the screen. I have a question for you about your installation: when you switch to the video input for the GVN do you loose the audio from whatever source you were listing to? IE can you watch the map and listen to a CD at the same time?
Thanks - I'll have to make it work somehow. My answer from Garmin was that there are no advanced video settings, even though the manual refers to them. To answer your question: possibly - I have not connected any of the mute wiring, an Id am using the included speaker with the unit. I very rarely travel with the radio on as we do not have an attractive range of stations here in the Sumter area. My next plan is to buy the GXM 30 antenna and sign up with XM. When I do that I will install the audio harness that game with the lockpick so that I will be listening through the stereo system. The lockpick does not hack the rear view camera, it feeds in through a seperate video input (DVD?) on the back of the MFD (at least that's what I thought) and I do get an on screen image that is good, just too tall! Just got in from some errands - I tried to use the radio and gps at the same time - I switch to the GPS through the audio setup - so if I switch to the radio it shuts down the dvd input that lockpick created where the GPS feed comes in to the mfd.
You may be able to get a separate device that would go between the GVN53 and the Lockpick to be able to adjust the screen size. I'm currently using a GVN52 with the rear camera hack (the 53 just would not work properly) and through that input the screen size is correct. I used that method because I know that audio will play over the video and I can use the supplied speaker with the GVN. I also have had better luck with Garmin's tech support when I call them vs the email support.
I want to share information on how to connect GVN53 navigation system with a vehicle and run touchscreen . For vehicle Toyota\Lexus, we need : 1. GVN53 2. Video interface 3. TIE-200s - multifunctional controller for Toyota\Lexus 4. Vehicle Toyota\Lexus Hooking up with this scheme: [FONT="]After completing all connections, you get a result [/FONT][FONT="][/FONT]