The speed limit in our RV park is only 9-1/2 mi. When unbuckled, the bell drove me nuts. Took it to the dealer and had the bell programmed out. But they were only able to disable the bell (when unbuckled) on the drivers side. Did they not know how to do both? If that's the case, I need to look for a dongle that I can stick in (I understand they are legally not sold in Calif.) or make one myself. Harry
I would imagine he means he feels it's annoying and kinda pointless to wear a seatbelt driving 9 miles an hour, making the seatbelt alarm even more annoying. In my work, I drive around residential neighborhoods most of the time getting in and out of my work truck 50-100 times a day, depending. I never wear a seat belt when I'm driving a block or two at a time going 20 something mph. If the alarm was going off all the time I would either turn the radio louder, or like the OP said, stick something in it. The alarm rarely goes off, so not a big deal for me. Just saying I can certainly understand why someone would not want that alarm - OP, you could always just plug the seatbelt in behind your back. Not the best, but it's better than the alarm. Of course, it's also possible someone might drive thru your RV park at 90mph and hit you head on, so, disclaimer, I don't recommend it.
I prefer to wear my seatbelt even backing my car out of the garage to wash it. Since the price of the Prius includes all this technology, I'm getting my money's worth. Toyota is not selling me their car for less money because I chose not to use some of their technology. This is how cheap I am! I wonder if Discovery/Endeavor have seatbelt chimes if the guys choose not to wear their shoulder harnesses?
Just found out that under 12 MPH the seatbelt warning bells don't chime. Is that smart engineering, or what?
Now I would like to get rid of the backup "noise maker". I guess it's another trip back to the dealer.
The dealer can make the reverse beep singular as well as disable the passenger side beep when not wearing a seatbelt.. takes less than 5 minutes and shouldn't be a charge.