Running a car in reverse not only doesn't roll back the odometer, it seems to cause the car to launch itself backwards out a second-story window of the garage. It's true! I saw it in a movie. Save Ferris!
Email Toyota and tell them what you have in mind. I'm sure they'll help you with your problem. They'll probably advise you to pull out those fat orange cables.
[Chuckle] Disconnect WHAT? the odomerter ?? I'don't know what an "odomerter" is. This is one of those questions which would elicit the old computer password question: "If it was possible and I told you, I'd have to shoot you !!"
that happened last month to a guy in Bellevue... driving a caddy and pushed an SUV off a 3rd story parking garage...hehehe...dont blame the guy, i feel the same way about SUV's
Fraud. What else? It is against federal law to disconnect an odometer in addition to any state laws generally proscribing fraudulent criminal activities.
It's sort of like a car thief logging on to ask how you steal a Prius, I guess. Hmmmm... only 1 post, and this is how he spends it? <_< At least he has been lurking for a long time, he didn't just sign up to ask this question...
OK, I'll help the guy out... First you need the proper tools, this would include a 12cm metric Crescent wrench and most importantly a left handed monkey wrench. It's also important to have on hand a 5 gallon can of counter rotating prop wash. Now to get down to business. Step one is to locate the muffler belt, this is easily located as it connects the HSD muffler to the ICE muffler and syncronizes them both with the gonculator armature. You first loosen the pre-tensioner with the metric crescent wrench, then the post detensioner with the left handed monkey wrench, being carefull to loosen both devices an equal amount to avoid placing an imbalance on the gonculator armature. The muffler belt can then be easily removed. Now you can access both the odometer and evenometer connections. Both must be disconnected, disconnecting the odobeter and not the evenometer will keep miles from increasing but it will still rack up kilometers. Now you can replace the muffler belt in the reverse order it was removed, but be sure you first wash it in the counter rotating prop wash, being carefull to dry the belt completely to avoid dripping any prop wash on the AC battery. Good luck and have fun
I don't even own a Prius and I know how to do this. First, look in the appendix of the user guide for "How to break federal laws in your Prius". Go to the "How to commit odometer fraud" section. (It helps to have your name and address written on a card for the next part.) The final step would be to call the police using the handy card you just made and turn yourself in. Really, what is the next crazy post going to be, "Can the rear cargo cover be used to hide a dead body from the police?â€. Whoever said there are no such things as stupid questions obviously never reads online forums. Also, it never hurts to spellcheck posts. As for tleonhar's method, I think that may void the warranty. Counter rotating prop wash is highly explosive and can only be purchased in Outer Mongolia.
This has been discussed here and is well-documented. Try this thread to start:
Actually, I think it can be found in the US too. One of the first things they did at the first air base I was assigned to was to send me after a can of prop wash. MAN, is that stuff hard to find! I never did find any, but if they asked me to get it, it HAD to be nearby! However... now that I think about it a little more, that would explain why I couldn't find it. I should have ORDERED some!
Oh, please. This is, after all the 21st Century. You can turn yourself in on line. Click here for Citizen's Self-Arrest Form.