My 2010 Prius three was made 10/10. What was the last month or time that the 10s were produced before the 11s started production?
Funny you should ask, I just asked the same question on another thread. Mine was made 08/10. I believe 11/10 started MY11, but I'm not 100% certain.
Well, it was bound to happen: 2010 Prius' (or is that Prii?) become 1 year old vehicles. As a proud owner of a 2010, I don't care if it's 1 year old. My still looks like it belongs on the showroom floor!
Mine was made 10/10 and delivered to the lot (from the port of Portland) on 1/30/11. Drove off with it on 2/18/11.
My new blue 2 (MY2011) was built 2/11. I bought it last Thursday. So we got the last of the 10's narrowed down to a 3 month window....
I bought my 2010 on 12/9/10. Date stamp on the door is 10/10. I recall some paperwork somewhere mentioned the car had arrived on the lot mid-November sometime.
Yes, they made many changes during the 2010 Prius model year. Some of them were more notable than others, though. For example, early models didn't have iPod integration (the USB port in the Nav-equipped models, started September 2009). Also, starting with cars built in January 2010, the brake recall wasn't necessary (their software already included the modifications later provided for earlier cars by the recall). Other modifications were more mundane - I feel like I've seen indications here that, for example, a few possible trouble spots for rattles got some extra tape or padding to prevent them (though certainly not all such spots). Undoubtedly, Toyota made many other minor modifications to parts (or ECU firmware), such as to change or add component manufacturers, improve reliability, ease assembly, etc. Most of these are probably unnoticeable, even if you go looking for them.
First post Took delivery of my 2010 on 2/12/11, was built 10/10 per the doorplate. Just couldn't resist the 0% financing offer for the 2010 Prius, instead of getting a 2011. Dealership trucked my Barcelona Red IV in from out of state. The only one left in the Gulf States region.