My 2010 Prius version 9.1 NAV appears to starting lose information. The car is 10 months old. About a month ago I began to increasingly get the message that there were some sections of the route ahead that did not have route information. On the map, the blue route line is missing for these sections. I've gotten this message once in a while since I bought the car, presumably because sections of the road were under construction at the time the DVD was released. However, I am getting this message almost everytime I map a route lately, including on roads that I am sure have not been under construction for years. Has anyone else experienced this? Is is possible that the DVD is losing information, or perhaps the DVD drive is failing?
The NAV still seems to know where the car is, it is just not finding all the road information for the route ahead. Road information doesn't come by satellite, so I think the issue is DVD related.
Yes. When I map a route, it does what it always has done, except that increasingly it will tell me that for a portion of the route ahead, there is no road information. This is a new quirk in the system, hence my query about why. Wondering if it makes sense to ask the dealer for a new DVD.
One suggestion would be to check your zoom. I know as you zoom out that it gives less detail road information. If this is not it, taking it to the dealer and demonstrating it to them would certainly be an option. They should be able to show you what the problem is or agree with you that you have a problem and fix it for you.
It isn't zoom, either. When I map a route, the voice comes on and tells me that some road information ahead is missing and that route guidance won't be provided for those sections. I need to see if I can duplicate the voice response for the same routes each time. Haven't done that yet, 'cause it would require driving around more than I need to. I doesn't sound like anyone else has experienced this issue.
I have a little bit different problem , mine says it can't find the disk, dealer put in 2 new disks and it still happens, not often but if I drive a couple of miles it seems to find where it lost it. I don't use the nav that often and if I need a nav I use my Garmin , I like it better
I have a slightly different missing data problem. My freeway exit screen is missing exits. On the NYS thruway the screen simply skips 40 miles of exits from 21A to 26. (Maybe NYS is closing these exits to close the budget gap?). I took a photo of the NAV screen to the dealer and got my ver 8.1 dvd replaced under warranty with ver 10.1 which is no better. It's not regional either. I logged missing exits in every state all the way down the east coast on I95 from NY to FL. Almost all are major interstate interchange exits. Go to the dealer and get the new dvd. I hope that solves your problem. By the way anyone else missing exit or road data? I've got a log started with a couple dozen missing data points and would volunteer to take any others to Toyota or NAVTEC(tried contacting by e-mail with no reply) to try to get them to update their maps or correct their software problems.
I have had the same problem and have the 10.1 DVD. The Nav system will show the road and show me on the road, but the unit says there is no navigation information for that part of my route. For the route I saw it on, I have a Garmin (NavTeq maps) and TomTom (TeleAtlas maps) that can navigate on those roads. It has to be Toyota/Denso issue.
I too have this issue. When I zoom in the roads show exactly as they are, and yet the Nav systems tells me there is incomplete road data and route guidance cannot be provided. This usually occurs in rural areas with smaller county maintained roads. They do show on the map with the proper names displayed, but it still tells me that it cannot provide guidance. I have the 11.1 update and have read the manual for help. I simply cannot get it to give guidance to some places. It won't even give guidance to my home even though all the road data shows on the map. I have tried different settings for speed, short/fastest route etc. and it still won't work!!! There is only one way to my house after getting off a state road, but it won't guide me. Not an issue at my house as I know where it's at, but it has occured at other places and I have a heck of a time finding the place using the Toyota Nav! I have to break out the Garmin which has NEVER done this in the same areas. Grrrrrrrrrr
Just because the road is there, doesn't mean there's mapping data there. I assume that's the issue you guys are talking about. Unlike PND that guide you to a point on a map, the Toyota one won't navigate there unless there's mapping data (so I assume house numbers). If not, it'll just tell you to go down that road and then follow the compass to your destination.
Just because the road is there, doesn't mean there's mapping data there. I assume that's the issue you guys are talking about. Unlike PND that guide you to a point on a map, the Toyota one won't navigate there unless there's mapping data (so I assume house numbers). If not, it'll just tell you to go down that road and then follow the compass to your destination.
It appears the mapping data is there, as all the roads in the area show on the Prius Nav map when zoomed in, even the gravel roads to (and in) some local campgrounds. It recognizes the house number address and properly locates it on the map. It then tells me there is incomplete road data and won't provide guidance. I just don't understand how Toyota Nav differs from all the other GPS systems out there. The UPS, USPS, and FedEx use their systems to my house without issue. Garmin and TomTom also provide guidance to my house. The Toyota Nav, even with the latest update, is the only system I have found that doesn't work here, and a few other places.
The issue isn't map data. By your own admission the Nav system has the map data. What you are describing is called "turn by turn" data, and is a separate but related database. The GPS knows where you are and can display your position on the map, but it can't tell you how to turn without the auxiliary data. This is fairly common in rural areas and most of Canada. As for how the Toyota system differs from others, in the area of map data the answer is not much. There are only a couple of major mapping companies which are used by all of the major nav system OEMs. Toyota used to use Navteq for the Gen II. I'm not sure who they use for the Gen III. While all of the major companies use basically the same data, there are differences in which package they purchase. Some pay for more detail. Even with covered areas, many users have a hard time finding addresses with the Toyota Nav system. It can be picky about details. Because of this I always enter addresses from macro to micro; start with the big stuff and work your way down: 1) Set the right region. 2) Enter the state. 3) Enter the city. 4) Enter the street. Don't include any supplementary information such as Ave, RD, N, North, etc. The extra details may block finding an address if it doesn't agree with what's in the database. 5) If there are multiple streets you will get a list. Pick the proper one from the list (Ave, RD, N, North, etc.) 6) Enter the street number. Hope this helps, Tom
I think you may have touched on what the real problem is here. Even though the Toyota Nav has accessed the same Map Data as other GPS systems, it appears they may have not paid to include ALL the data. If that's true it sure is disappointing. I just paid big dollars (almost as much as a Garmin) just to update the already expensive Nav system, and it still doesn't have sufficient data to take me places the stand alone cheap GPS unit will.
Is there some setting that allows you to do this? I'd prefer to input information that way, however my nav system prompts me to do it the other way around, via auto-population. It starts with Street Number, then Street (allowing only available letters) - then offers a list of matches, and, if necessary the selection of city. It's easy enough, but requires a lot of confidence that the car actually has it right!
These DENSO based navigations are big piece of crap for big money. on the other hand the AV system and NAV in Toyota Yaris, made by Harmann Kardon is good. Hopefully it will appear in other Toyotas.
If your roads appear in a brownish color, rather than black or blue, then there is incomplete mapping data for them. Also, when you begin a trip that includes such roads, the system should announce this fact, saying turn-by-turn directions are not available. This situation happens to me in New Hampshire (Keene is one town with incomplete data). There, roads all show up in brown, except for the state and US highways.