I don't understand why Yukio Hatoyama did not evacuate himself. He is working hard to inspect the disaster area. Hatoyama inspects disaster area Ken@Japan
On your fiction, our Emperor and his family are in Kyoto now. On your fiction, Kyoto is not a safe place. So, what is next on your fiction? Oh, I found this thread is related to a fiction called "China Syndrome". I think I was on a wrong thread. Bye, Ken@Japan
My mistake, I meant former Prime Minister Koizumi evacuated. We also have not heard once from the Royal Family? Where are they? Usually, the Emperor makes a visit to the evacuated victims Hatoyama is there because he is desperate to save his political party first. He is trying to show that his party cares. Plus it is the Japanese way that those responsible should fight to the very end, even if it costs their lives. This way, no one can complain that they didn't try. I sincerely hope that they will stop it and get it under control. However, the odds are stacked against them.
Not to make light of a tragic situation, but if we are going to use fictional end targets for a meltdown, then this should be called the 1000km east of Argentina syndrome since that is what is opposite the Sendai - Fukushima area.
Ken, this is not fiction, Hopefully the radiation will be contained but while you're being exposed minimum amounts everyday, one day your going to realize you took in too much and it will make a difference. We all wish you stay safe and get out before its too late Buy a mask and potassium iodide.
Hope the best for the people of Japan. I hope the government has the plans to mitigate any adverse effects of this disaster e.g. procurement of protective clothings, masks etc
The Emperor is safe inside an underground nuclear shelter. The proof is he just delivered a wonderful speech from a remote location encouraging the people of his nation. It was not in front of reporters with camera flashing. Since the location of the shelter is a national secret we will never know where it is.
I really hope that people in CA aren't dumb enough to start popping potassium iodide as a "precaution" Reminds me of the postal anthrax scare, when folks went into Mexico to buy ciprofloxicin. They then started popping cipro as a "precaution"
Although I've never seen the movie, the US news media has been recently mentioning [ame="http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0078966/"]The China Syndrome (1979) - IMDb@@AMEPARAM@@http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BMjA1MzAwNTMzOF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNzUxODYyMQ@@._V1._SX97_SY140_.jpg@@AMEPARAM@@BMjA1MzAwNTMzOF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNzUxODYyMQ@@@@AMEPARAM@@SX97@@AMEPARAM@@SY140[/ame]. It apparently came out a bit before the Three Mile Island accident.
I hope Ken can read this because its in Japanese. I will find English version Ϋâ€Â‚ª‚Ç‚ñ‚È‚à ‚Ì‚©’m‚ÂĂقµ‚¢ It was written by a top engineer Hirai who worked for TEPCO nuclear facility in the construction of the plants warning everyone of what is going on inside (or not going on that should be of grave concern) He died of cancer in 1996 and wrote this to warn everyone. Maybe Ken could translate and leave before its too late.
Code: Norio Hirai Jan 1997: died President of Rescue Center for radiation exposed workers of nuclear plant The Rescue Center was closed because of no successor found. So, no one trusted him and no one followed to him, then the Rescue Center was closed. The article is not worth to translate. Ken@Japan
California Families Rushing Out For Potassium Iodide Pills California Families Rushing Out For Potassium Iodide Pills? Why? | Strollerderby The wind direction is to east, or to California, not to Tokyo. So, Tokyo people are safe, or California people are maybe not. Ken@Japan
i don't like the sound of that. hope it falls in the ocean! i don't fully trust the media, but cnn is not being very optimistic.