I never let a dealer put their name tags on my car. Why do they expect to "advertise" their dealership on the back of my car? My, not really a joke, joke is "if they want me to advertise for them, then let's negotiate a price." Does anyone else have this same hangup?
Very much so. My salesman promised to be sure they didn't put it on my car, but someone in the prep dept. did it anyway. Fortunately it was a kind you could just scrape off the transfer with your fingernail and it was gone before I left the parking lot. At least most places don't bolt them on anymore...
I specifically called and requested the dealership NOT add advertising to my last two car purchases. Of course that covers a 20-year spread when you're talking Toyota. On my Prius, they added it against my instructions, but it was gone again with no damage to the car before I left the lot.
I won't be letting them put anything but a licence frame on mine. I'll take that off quick if I don't like the service.
Every time i came in to the service dept. they put on a lic. plate frame AND the four inch decal. I had a collection... They couldn't get me a new prius, so I bought the last prius from different dealer and gave all the frames back to the first. They thought it was funny that they kept putting them on. Most prius owners recycle, right?
I had requested that on my Prius, and the did it anyway. I peeled it off with the service MGR standing right there. I handed it to him and said 'Do you have a trash can you can put this in?' You should have seen his face. It was worth the trouble of me taking it off
I can't stand the tags either. We got lucky with the Camry, but we have a badge on the Echo. I'll be sure to make it VERY clear that I don't want a badge on my Prius. I'm the same way with computers, all of the stickers go off except for the windows and intel badges. There are too many commercials/billboards as it is.
I agree. I made my dealer agree to make certain my new Prius doesn't get violated with a logo. He said if it happened to get on there, he'd take it off himself. If you want to advertise on my car, you're definitely going to have to pay me!
Those two are the worst offenders!!! I think my car does have a tag on the back from the dealer, but it's relatively small and not intrusive. I'll probably leave it. My license plate frames are still from the dealer... if i see nice ones, i'll think about replacing them.
They do the same here - stick it on the inside of the rear window usually right over some of the metallic de-fogging wires. The risk of peeling it off is that you damage the metallic strip and the de-fog doesn't work so well anymore. I was told that if you use a hairdryer to heat the sticker it will loosen and can be peeled off gently without causing damage. Then of course there's the number plate to do as well.......
I would normally feel the same way about dealer tags, but my dealer tags happend to be a bright red and they went really well with my black prius. so that, along with the fact that i drove it out of state soon after i got it, reallly compelled me to keep the tags on. the red and black looked really great. anyway.... sure, normally, if i had dealer tags like my father's chevy flourescent green.. they'd be off in a heartbeat.
hate 'em! Most places will put them on anyway even though the request is made to keep them off. I've always used rubbing alcohol and a soft rag to take them off if the dealer refused or if it was intially unnoticed. We didn't pay or get a discount for having them on, and we sure as heck didn't order it from the factory that way.
Back in '98 when I bought our convertible, I wrote in the purchase agreement on those comment lines "no dealer applied logos". That worked. I took my Prius in for the 10K service last month and the "write up" guy asked if I bought the car there (does it matter?) and I said yes and he replied, I didn't see our license plate bracket so I didn't know. I said "I didn't get my advertising check this month" (while smiling) He gave me a very odd look. Another employee back there explained they look for the logo to determine if they can just look up my name in the computer or if they have to type everyting in new. I'll buy that, still, I HATE advertising the dealer.
I took their sig off my car within the first few days... after I realized it was removable. I am still using the license plate frame with the dealership name and location, however. Partly because I don't mind advertising for them. I have family there and a good relationship with my salesperson. Also, I haven't found a plate frame that I really like yet.