Google gives me a million sites that advertise having free music and invariably it's not free, with a requirement to buy. Are there any really good sites with a good selection of genuinely free sheet music? Thanks!
Try Googling "Public domain sheet music", as that is the only kind that you can get for "free", as it must be public domain to not require the license fee. There is a sheet music "library" where you can "borrow" sheet music (not for public performance), based in MN. Here is a link: Chatfield Brass Band & Music Lending Library You may have to join, however.
Here is a link to a New York Times article discussing free sheet music: It focuses on one site ( , but mentions a few others, I think.
Copyrighted work can be licensed for free use without being public domain. One of the most common examples of this is the GNU General Public License for software. Whether any music has ever been released in this manner is another question. I suspect not. Tom