The Prius plant wasn't even touched by the quake so its likely to be up and running again quite soon. The question is how badly the quake effected the plant that makes the batteries? The last thing Japan needs is extended periods of non production though so I think we can be fairly confident they will want to get back to normal production runs as soon as possible..
There is never a shortage of Prii, just another opportunity for the car salesman to take advantage of the public.
All the dealership around my area have a bunch of Prius in stock, even with "$4.00" gas. This time around, I think people are more mentally prepared for high gas prices. The dealership where I bought my Prius has 50 Prius in stock, discount the same as when I bought just a month or more back. A bunch of other local dealerships advertising in the local newspapers have similar stock.
Yes, but then what? If you sell, what will you buy? Yep, they may take after the oil industry, any bad news will raise the oil price and gas price, supply be damned.
Even if the above plants were untouched, there's the question of the supply chain: the suppliers, roads, rail links and ports. If you've ever visited an auto factory, you'd find that they generally do NOT go from raw materials to finished cars. Many parts and components come in, rolls of steel come in to be stamped and so on. Even if it wasn't that dependent, Japan's experience power shortages due to all this nuclear power being offline now. Some of the claims I've seen in the media is that another motivation for those temporary factory closures is to (for now) conserve limited electricity supplies. Sure there was. Back in 04-06, there were waiting lists and very limited supply vs. demand. I took test drive in 04 (when I wasn't even interested in the car), and IIRC, I would've been # 90 or so on the wait list. I put myself on the wait list in late 05 for an 06 and waited at least 1.5 months. Back then, there were 0 or virtually 0 Priuses on the lots. As soon as they showed up, they'd be sold to the next person on the list.
When I dropped off the extra key today for the car we traded in Friday, I was told prospective Prius buyers are going to be put on a waiting list.
I ordered my Prius Five w/ ATP back in February. I was told it would be built in March and should be here by Mid-April..I'm thinking I may never see it now..or at least not for a long time possibly.
Was there a particular reason for ordering vs. doing a dealer trade for one that's exactly or close to what you want?
I ordered mine Premium with ATP in January, estimated delivery was June. Will see what delay should I expect... .... I've just received info from dealer that the expected delivery date of May 21st + 10 days is still valid :eyebrows:
New Prius shortage coming? the short term. It depends on how many components that go into the G3 (if any) are made in plants that were damaged in the quake/tsunami. I'm sure that some dealers will "tell" you that they can't discount the car because the world is running out of them.... My prediction is that a year from now, they'll be back on sale again. Edit: We still have a bumper crop of new G3's down here on the Riviera!
Based on what is known right now .... it would seem certain there will be a reduction in Prius assembly. That will also be true for other models and other brands as well. I suppose (without knowing) that the supply "chain" for Toyota vehicles assembled in the US will also be disrupted (surely some of the components that are asembled here are manufactured elsewhere. In addition, Japan is continuing to experience quakes on a daily basis. If the first had not been so enormous, these daily shakes would be touted as large ... they ee just small in relation to the big one. So many deaths; food, water, fuel, electrical powel shortages; rescue efforts; radiation; disrupted transportation .... in perspective, I doubt the resumption of Prius production is singled out as the nations highest priority.