Hi all, time for some more sage advice. First the specs: 2008 w/38K, not sure which package but nothing fancy. This morning got in the car and started off and hear a metallic rubbing noise coming from the left rear of the car. Sounded like it came from around the wheel area. Temp was coolish around 36 degrees. The noise only happened for the first few minutes and only when going real slow, like 5 or 10 mph, and only when I was turning right. Sound was like the the sound you get when a brake pad is worn way down and scrubbing on a rotor or drum. Also, the sound would speed up as I sped up until a certain speed then would go away. I actually stopped and restarted to be sure I could make it happen again. Once the car warmed up I couldn't reproduce the noise. Drove the car later in the afternoon with temps in the high 40s and no noise. Any ideas? Also, I never use the E brake so can't imagine that would have any impact. Let's hear it, what say the experts?
Your car probably has a bad wheel bearing. I suggest that you have this checked out as soon as possible.
Well, I'm no expert and I don't mean (ok, just a little) to be an arse hole, when you get 15 different responses how are you going to better off for asking the question? Kinda like going to medical site and saying "My right arm hurts at the elbow when I bend it up slowly with my upper arm straight out in front of me. It doesnt hurt when I bend it back down or if my arm is at my side and I bend it up, What do you think it could be?" Someone is going to have to look at the car to tell you what the problem is.
Ditto! Safety is at risk here. If you luck out and it's merely a hung-up shoe in a drum brake, take it as a reminder to always use the *parking* brake, to help avoid this problem in the future. It's not an "emergency" brake.
Blizz, I get what you're saying but sometimes a person lucks out and their experiencing a common issue that lots of other folks have experienced. If you get 15 "could be's" and 14 are the same - based on the same set of symptoms - a person could deduce that the problem is a common one. I will be taking it into the shop for a check out but thought I'd get a little dose of the collective wisom. Besides, I need to up my post count. :rockon:
There it is! Now you sound like me, trying to eliminate all the possibilities. I asked myself the same thing. And how about the fact that it didn't do it later in the day when the weather had warmed up? Supposed to be 29 in the morning. I'll be taking it to work so I'll report back and let everyone know if it happens again.
Maybe. If the bearing is just starting to wear out, maybe it will stop producing noise after it heats up a little. In any event, the best bet is for the OP to take the car in to have the problem checked out. It would not be fun to lose a tire/wheel assembly at speed.
27 degrees this morning. Did all the tricks, driving slow, left hand turns, stop, start - everything. Nadda! No sound nothin. Guess I'll get to pay an hour's shop rate for the dealer to check it out and tell they can't find anything wrong.
I suggest that you defer the dealer service visit until the noise will appear more consistently. No point in paying ~$100, just to be told no-trouble-found.