1. You are posting a soundbite from Media Matters- not exactly a reputable source for accuracy in information itself. 2. The soundbite is taken out of context, which is usually the case in such propaganda. Not to comment on Rush either way, but those who have spent any time listening to him know that he regularly baits his dialogue specifically to solicit this response from left-of-center organizations such as Media Matters, HuffPo, etc. who trip over themselves to report it in their tabloids to people who actually give a hoot. Without hearing the entire segment, you cannot know much (if anything) about the discussion.
Perhaps Media Matter is not the most reliable source either...it's not easy finding news sources that honestly attempt to report things as they are. This is at least the third time I've heard Rush diss the Prius. This time it sounds like he is hoping the quake damaged the factory. In the past he asserted only "godless gay socialists" drive it, and another time he broadcast the "Dust to Dust" study as fact....I seriously doubt in the context of his entire broadcast the Prius remarks I've mentioned are defensible.
I am not easily offended. I am not offended by that. But it's immensely classless, definitely makes me have a low opinion of the idiot who wrote it.