Disclaimer 1: I am a SG noob; Disclaimer 2: Rather poor understanding of engineering There, if that didn't scare you off, well then thanks Driving at the highest ICE efficiency is one of the keys to high fuel economy after anticipatory driving has been mastered. The Prius all by itself does pretty good, but I wonder if a motivated driver can improve things a little. My basic thought is to run the ICE in a 1500 - 2500 rpm range, and try to keep torque at levels that match ~ 220 grams SFC on the G2 Charts others have published. If that makes sense, then how do we get torque data ? Perhaps an x-gauge already exists, but if not can we combine two gauges ? ICE_power/rpm would do the trick I think. Comments and help appreciated!
In my case, I did not care about torque value because I could not control torque. A driver requests power demand by the accelerator pedal position, then Prius engine responds by pre-determined rpm and torque combination. For example, 40kW request -> 4000rpm on the Gen2. Please refer to following chart derived from this thread. Ken@Japan