Family Guy scriptwriter joins the choir of imbeciles. Twitter and FB go into overdrive. Sad.
I couldn't agree more with the blogger's take on the three cartoons. And sadly, this is not the first time or place I have read this stupid quip referring to Pearl Harbor in response to the tsunami.
Although I could care less about twits and twats, you've got to admit, this one (from your link) was funny: '"If you want to feel better about the floods in New Jersey, google "MTV's Jersey Shore".' -Brad
I also wondered how long it would be before some idiot out there brought up Pearl Harbor in relation to this disaster.
I believe his comment has been taken out of context. he meant "crikey, i can't believe how crazy the media are going over this. i switched on fox news and they basically said the four horsemen of the apocalypse are riding through tokyo. i mean, it's sad and everything, and i feel sorry for the people affected, but the casualty report is 200. more people died of drug overdoses and car crashes this week. it's not like a major national incident or disaster, the WTC was just two buildings and look at the lives lost. oh, or pearl harbour. thousands were killed there! i wish the media could get some perspective" but that would exceeded twiters character count and isn't as lulzy. upon discovering that most likely thousands of people have been killed he has reassessed his perspective. i think that's a good thing.
Are you living under a rock Flanina? It's going to be more like 20,000+ lives lost when it's all counted, it's a major humanitarian disaster! There are 10,000 people unaccounted for in the Miyagi Prefecture alone! They're not officially listed as causality yet because the bodies haven't been found, but they'll be there under a 10 feet of mud and debris.
What Flanina meant was the first news reports "only" reported a couple of hundred lives lost (I personally read the same news reports). They later realized their mistake and put in a couple of 0s. One heartening thing: For every one post I saw (I searched) saying it was "payback for Pearl Harbor", I saw about 30 posts calling the people who said that what they are (seven letters, starts with an "a").
Expected him to chime in, but why do 15+ million accept remarks like the video below? Disclosure: I'm for limited government, but not by people with limited civility and limited intelligence.
he's not as dumb as you think. he's gotten rich with comments like this. it's a tried and true method, if you want to be popular, you have to appeal to the fanatics on one side or the other.
Wow, never heard of this Limbaugh guy until last night (he was in an episode of Family Guy, weirdly enough) but he definietely seems like an ignorant arrogant idiot.
Yes, i fully understand that. However, the media were going hysterical over the idea that there had been some 200 casualties. The reality is that there will likely be a higher death toll than in Pakistan, simply because the areas hit were so densely populated. In my own region there's lots of discussions right now about houses already built, and more planned, on flood plains. I'm glad i live on a hill, even if it's bad for MPG
Maybe I should have said limited principals instead of limited intelligence. He is definitely getting rich telling his audience what they want to believe, pretending it's fact. The proliferation of such programs makes finding the truth that much more difficult.
The first casualty reports were not mistakes, they were just the first quake reports to come in. We cannot expect realistic totals at the same time we are watching live video of the tsunamis rushing inland, or even in the next few hours. If this was payback for Pearl Harbor, then the payback for Hiroshima and Nagasaki is going to be really dreadful.
But he is a RICH ignorant arrogant idiot. Actually, I suspect he is neither ignorant nor an idiot. He is arrogant. The rest, I suspect, is merely an act, pandering to his audience. You need to realize that Rush Limbaugh is a demigod to the conservative part of our country. The conservatives love him, almost to the point of idolatry. People have coffee mugs stating their loyalty to his movement, which they call "The Moral Majority". It's not actually his movement, but he could be their poster boy. Tom
Yeah, but has anyone (like Pat Robertson) blamed the earthquake/tsunami on witches and gays yet? Or, since it was Japan, maybe it's the "godless" over there that aren't his particular brand of religiosity? The morally bankrupt, technologically advanced society. It will come. you watch. *sigh*