In light of recent events, and because it's a good idea anyway, I've started assembling a little emergency kit. Not for the car, necessarily, but for me. The little backpack I take with me most places now has some extra water, a few granola bars, some beef jerky, a lighter, a headlamp, a warm winter hat, sense leaving all this useful camping stuff in the basement, where it'll be either buried in an earthquake, burned in a fire, or ruined in a flood. I'll be adding to it as I think of things that would be really handy to have if I'm stranded.
I have an emergency kit. Contents: Condoms Can anyone think of anything that needs to be added to that list?
We discussed what we'd grab on our way out the door, in the event of a tsunami... Besides our cat, our passports, and our cash, nothing really came to mind. We have water bottles sitting in the kitchen, as we get water from an artesian well, so we can grab them on the way. Our emergency pack in the car has a couple of days of supplies.