Fusion (the sun) is clean and safe. Fission (nuclear power plants) require cooling, produce large amounts of long life radioactive waste and must not be located near population centers or seismic faults. Solar power (electricity and thermal) is far more cost effective with much less hazardous waste. I'll take photons over neutrons any day.
The workers inside will be in a bad shape... Authorities said radiation levels had jumped 1,000 times normal inside Unit 1 and were measured at eight times normal outside the plant. They expanded an earlier evacuation zone more than threefold, from 3 to 10 kilometers (2 miles to 6.2 miles). Some 3,000 people had been urged to leave their homes in the first announcement. The government declared a state of emergency, its first ever at a nuclear plant. And plant operator Tokyo Electric Power Co. warned of power shortages and an "extremely challenging situation in power supply for a while."" Radiation Levels Surge Outside Two Nuclear Plants in Japan - FoxNews.com
Well nukes are better than coal burning which kills 30,000 people each year, or oil which killed 4,000 US service people and a few hundred thousand Iraqis, or natural gas which is driving climate change with even worse consequences for the whole planet. Yes, wind and solar are the preferred sources but until that gets on line in a serious way with a smart grid to spread it around, we will need nukes and lots more of them I am afraid.
Fine. Build it, but people act like there's an infinite supply of uranium. There's not. [ame=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peak_uranium]Peak uranium - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame] But if we dismantle our nuclear armory, the peak can be delayed.
Nuclear power is a better power option than oil or coal, and it's a shame that the media instilled a lot of fear in the public following that 3 Mile Island incident some years ago. That pretty much killed nuclear power growth here, even though the problem was man-made (not following proper safety practices). Nuclear power has been used safely in Europe for decades. Fear is an element used excessively by the American media--mainly as a commercial device to attract attention and ratings. But it sometimes can cause a lot of lasting damage that doesn't serve the country.
Damn reality seems to have come home to roost in Japan. Containment building belching radioactive steam.The roof blown off the containment building.
sorry bvut i have to say this is so stuppid OK media are for ratings and are not to believe al of the times but nuclear power is not the future! 80.000 people 10km around the plan are now evacuated and 60km away poeple are hold back from going any futher towarts the power plant 25 years ago there was tjernobyl and what did whe do? 25 YEARS!! and nothing.... have a look at this An Energy-Independent Future - The Daily Show with Jon Stewart - 06/16/10 - Video Clip | Comedy Central i have seen houses that do almost not need any grid power or natural gas to warm it. but 25 years is to short i guess to do anything fo the money western world. real good isolation ( and no not like obama talking about JUST double iso windows hahah ) but so good isolation that human heat can keep it warm and only a bit of naturl gas is needed to keep it at comfortable heat or airco cold thats kept inside and heat outside wind, solar so provide a big % of the total needed electricity so that power plants are not needed as mutch as now and the decrease of polutions.
And then there's nuclear waste which is a lot more dangerous than coal ash. I don't want that stuff buried in my back yard. We need to max out solar and wind. Then of course if we could get everybody to drive Prii.....
Looks like there is nothing wrong with the reactor containment shell. Likely be another 3 mile island scenario , lots of fear but no real problems as far as radiation release or increased cancer rates. Yet this year coal burning will kill 30,000 and no one shuts that down. Mercury distributed over the planet, can't eat tuna fish anymore, acid rain everywhere, oceans going acidic killing off sea life, CO2 increasing drastically, whole planet overheating, oceans rising - whole countries going under water. Yet still we allow coal burning to happen. Why?
NUkes are a loser on so many levels. Unless one can convince me that one can keep the waste safe from all perils (including mad terrorists!) for the 1000's of years required to make it safe, until then, we are only continuing to fend off out our environmental liabilities to future generations! The fact that no private insurer will insure a Nuke facility should tell you something! AT $3-5 watt (the current retail installed price) for PV solar, how many mw or gw of solar (or wind) could one install for the live cycle cost of a Nuke plant? Not to mention how much real conservation could we install? Nukes are simply a perpetuation of the bad status quo. Move on!
I'd like to know how big this Japan facility is MWhrs. We may need smaller nukes in hazard areas. My father served on the start-up of the first experimental (small) nuke power plant in the USA. Bottom line is all energy sources have a downside that needs to be managed with discipline. As you observed, I agree that for some reason "environmental purists" (in the USA at least) tend to favor the least advanced solution such as coal burning. Trash displosal analogy they tend to favor landfill over say incineration/resource recovery. We need a name for this syndrome, but I don't get the rationale.
i'd say a continuous reduction in energy use and more and more solar, wind and hydro would be the best answer. but what do we get from president obama? safer off shore drilling.
The Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station Unit 1(Boiling Water Reactor) is 460 MW max output. It is one of the oldest power station installed by GE operated since March 1971, 40 years old. Ken@Japan
Thanks Ken. How are you and your family making out? I hope you are spared from most of this mess. Tom
what do you think happens when al 441 nuclear plants have troubels when the compleet earth is shaking. and of course thats nog going to happen but what do you want to do with al that wast? on the long run there wil be a hell of a lot more dead because of cancer du to radiation then those cool plants and it s not the cool or nuclear it needs to be clean! best is wind solar and hydro. and just a 3 mile? that was not just something.... good to read your OK ken.