Hi there. We have a lot of deer problems where I live, and I have had 4 direct mishaps in hitting deer since 2002. I also had a lot of near-misses. Besides improving my defensive driving techniques, I installed the deer warning thingys just in case they actually work (Consumer Reports says they don't). Anyhow, now that I have purchased a new 2010 Prius III with solar package, I have been considering saving up to install a FLIR PathFindIR Night Vision Camera. I would like to tap into the Prius NAV's LCD display so that I can select the night vision camera front view when I need to. Do you happen to know if this is possible? Plus, an additional feature I would like to see is for the FLIR to follow the turn of the steering wheel, where if you are making a left turn, the FLIR faces left to give you left-side coverage. A demonstration of the FLIR's mobility is shown . Is this possible with the existing sensors in the Prius, or do I have to install some additional sensors in the steering wheel? Thanks in advanced. P.S. I have looked into heads-up display, but there appears to be no HUDs available in the aftermarket for computer displays (for cars). P.S. Sorry if I posted this in the wrong forum. I just realized that I should have posted this in the "Electronics" forum. I do not know how to delete a new thread/post.
I just found your post, and sorry no one else has posted. I just ordered my PathFindIR camera to install in the same 2010 Gen III trim IV with Solar Roof. Mine is Blue Ribbon Metalic. I have been thinking about mounting the cmera in the area where the toyota emblem goes center of the hood. I don't want to use the Nav screen because I think it is too low in the dash to catch my eye when I need to be alerted, so I am now shopping for a 7" LCD Monitor to mount up on the dash. That is what I came to Priuschat to find today.
I don't think there is a video in option on the oem navi. I would go with a optional lcd screen like NoMo shocks has mentioned. There are lots of screens you can buy and I don't think you can go wrong on that end. You can mount the camera on the front emblem, there is plenty of room back there but you would have to cut out a hole and mount the camera from behind. One you guys figure this out please post some pictures. I would like to see how it works. GL
You could have a switch and relay setup that allowed you to make the headunit think you were in reverse, and show the front camera instead of the rear camera.
I got my PathFindIR camera today, and the 7 in LCD I odered from BestBuy.com for $90 is scheduled to arrive tomorrow moring. This screen has a zoom feature which can be used when using the FLIR driving at higher speeds. For lower speeds through town and in the mountains, I will use the full FLIR 30 degrees to each side view, so I don't think there will be any need to have the camera turn with steering. Power Acoustik - 7" Widescreen LCD Headrest Monitor I tested the FLIR tonight on the 65 inch Plasma, and it looked cool. Found out that my daughter and our dog both have cold noses. I put it out in the yard and you can acutally see the clouds in the sky. Vegitation is a medium gray color and animals or people will show up bright white. It has some sort of auto iris feature to adjust brightness to show the most detail for whatever is in the camera's view. I am planning to mount the camera in the Toyota Emblem where the Adaptive Cruz Radar thingy would go if I had the technology package as Drunken Master mentioned. I will cut a hole in the platic part behind the emblem so the camera looks out through one of the lower sides of the Toyota T, and I will fill the other three quadrants with some shiny vinyl or something that matches the camera lens so it will be inconspicuous. I will probably mount my screen so I can pull it and hide it from car prowlers. I first wanted to mount is on the sun visor, but I am tall enough that the sun visor is not at a real good viewing angle by the time I can see under it. I may still try this, becuase it would sure be nice to be able to hide the monitor by simply raising the sun visor againt the head liner. Not sure where you get a Color FLIR like the one in the YouTube video in the OP. Maybe that is a hummer FLIR, but the PathFindIR is Black and White. I think that will actually be less distracting and things I want to see will be a flash of white light that will grab my attention. Yes, I will post photos when I get things going in.
OK, Here is a photo of the camera with the front emblem to give an idea of the size. I will drill a hole in the lower right quadrant of the Toyota T looking from front of car, not drivers position, and assemble the camer to the emblem bracket. Then I plan to get some black vinyl that looks as close to the camera lens glass as possible and cover everything behind the T except the apeture so the camera will hopefully all but dissapear. The screen I will either mount in the little side window area or behind the wheel. I am leaning toward behind the wheel for a more OEM look where I would trim a hole in the dash cover to recess the monitor inside and the dash cover will shade the screen. But before I do any dash cutting, I will try the monitor in various locations for actual driving, and probably price a replacement dash cover before breaking ot the Dremel tool. I may get some professional help (With the Dash modification, not my menal healt).