What would you call it? This sort of expands upon the Prius Hate thread... Sometimes, I think part of the hate comes from the actual name of the car. "Prius". It's sort of a wimpy name for anything but a pretty flower. They should've called it the Electroglide (ala Harley Davidson), or something like that...I guess "Pacemaker" would've been a bad choice... LOL What other names could you come up with? Just about anything would be better than "Prius"...well, I can think of a few that are worse...but we're in mixed company here.
As a response to the Prius-Hater, the perfect name would be F-U-2Do you plan to get Toyota to start a renaming project? I am all for it!
I call mine "HAL", especially when it's doing something I don't want it to do. "Turn the engine off, HAL." That wouldn't work well as a model name, though. How about the Phantom? Well, that's taken. Shade? Specter? I'm thinking that the silence of stealth mode would go well with a ghostly name.
If you could rename the Prius... If I could rename the Prius, I wouldn't be at work right now since I presume that I would have a much better paying job (probably telecommuting) in Aichi, Japan....and I'd (happily) be paying $3.75 for premium gas...which would be required by whichever exotic sports car would be more in keeping with my station as a highly paid automotive executive with the power to rename a car. I'd have some underling decide what to call it....or sell the renaming rights on eBay, with a veto option so that it would NOT be some "cutesy" name with an even goofier plural name... However (comma) we live in an unjust world, so I'll continue to just drive my G3 and keep my non-standard names for this car to myself!!!
We dont pronounce it like that at all! Jeremy Clarkson is the only Brit I have ever heard that does that. We call it Prius as in "preeous" the same as you do.
Probably but Prius is a Latin word and the Romans had their own weird and wonderful ways of spelling.
Prius is Latin. Nothing about Latin is wimpy. EDIT: FWIW, I refer to my car as the Tardis. Seemed fitting for a funny looking blue box filled with awesome technology.
OK, I'll give you that one mate! I will admit that I have been on a bit of a Top Gear binge lately. BBC America was having a marathon a couple of weeks ago. I watched 8 episodes on a Sauturday. I have not laughed, nor enjoyed a TV show that much in quite a while. While I had heard of the show, I never had a chance to watch it!. Until now! Considering Mr Clarksons taste in cars, which I pretty much agree with, I can see why he dings the Prii!