Afternoon all, can anyone help me please? I have had a prius NHW10 for 4 yrs now and I cant fault it even thought a few people on here say they would not touch one but not give me the reasons! I am having problems when it first starts very loud rattling from Engine and it is very slow and sometimes cuts out event thoguht my foot is too the floor on the excelarator, the warning triangle with the car and the exclamation mark comes on. I then re start it, its a bit sluggish for a few mins then its back too normal! It also causes my battery too loose all its charge and I get a faint smell of Bad eggs in the car! Has anyone got any ideas what it could be? Dave
Apparantly you need to have the HV batteries balanced once in a while (usually at service) using a special machine that only the dealers have. However, as this was never officially sold anywhere outside Japan the UK dealers don't have the suitable equipment! I understand there are a couple of companies who do have said equipment and I'm sure a quick google might find them (though I couldn't when I tried). Alternatively it might be that you've left it too late and the HV battery is not well at all This battery balancing issue was corrected for the NHW11 officially imported Prius. Good Luck and keep us all updated.
The smell is sulfur. It comes from the battery vents when the battery goes bad. Mind taking pictures please?
You will get better response from the following "Mk1 Prius" Yahoo Group. Mk1_Prius : Mk1 Prius (Japanese export) global owners group. Ken@Japan