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Safety Features Still Optional

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Main Forum' started by fillerup, Nov 5, 2005.

  1. fillerup

    fillerup New Member

    Sep 3, 2005
    Aren't many of you angry that most of the saftey features are optional and expensive on the Prius? (Safety features are hidden in expensive packages or available in less expensive packages that are difficult or impossible to obtain)

    Shouldn't these features be standard by 2006?

    Isn't Toyota playing with you--and your pocketbook?

    Shouldn't Toyota take a lesson from Honda by including them as standard--even if they have to raise the price of a base model (if you could even find one)?
  2. efusco

    efusco Moderator Emeritus
    Staff Member

    Nov 26, 2003
    Nixa, MO
    2004 Prius
    To Toyota's credit I think the current approach is a reasonable one. Hybrids are still in the marketing phase and if they all had 6 air bags and VSC and the price was $3000 more or whatever for the base model CR, Car & Driver, and all the rest would point out how much more expensive hybrids are than non-hybrids and how much more the Prius is than the HCH with minimal improvement in mpg.

    So, do I agree that they 'should' have all the safety stuff...yup. Will they for intelligent business related reasons....nope.
  3. fillerup

    fillerup New Member

    Sep 3, 2005
    Shouldn't safety be as important as HSD and low pollution?

    When a SUV slams into your side, how will you explain to the family members who survive the impact that side bags and curtains were just too expensive but were available? Will you remind them that you still get good FE and are low polluting?
  4. galaxee

    galaxee mostly benevolent

    Mar 14, 2005
    2005 Prius
    um, my friend just bought an 05 civic and had to pay $1800 extra for side airbags.

    many other companies also offer more protection- for a price. when i was looking at saturns the extra cost of side curtains was prohibitive. in the prius, it came along with all the other stuff i was going to get anyway.

    i think your argument is horse****.
  5. efusco

    efusco Moderator Emeritus
    Staff Member

    Nov 26, 2003
    Nixa, MO
    2004 Prius
    There's really no need for a hostile and illogical response like that. I'm an ER doctor, I see more trauma from MVAs in a day than you're likely to see in your life. I can assure you that safety is important to me.

    But like so many things in life you can't legislate good sense. Despite safety features bad things happen and people die. If the cost of Prius was pushed into a range that took the majority of prospective buyers out of the market the would likely get a lesser vehicle that still didn't have the safety features. IOW, just b/c Prius was made standard with all the possible safety features doesn't mean that Joe Carbuyer is going to get those safety features...if he can't afford to buy a $24000 basic package Prius (my est. cost if VSC and 6-air bags was standard) then he'd probably resort to a Corolla or Camry--also without those as standard features. And, if you argue that those should have them standard too then the prices of those vehicles would go up and the buyer would probably go to an 'affordable' manufacturer to get the car they need.

    There's still room for individual choice. Those bright enought to realize the importance of the safety feature and the wherewithall to afford them will get them. You know that motorcycles aren't sold with helmets right?
  6. Tomel

    Tomel New Member

    Sep 24, 2005
    Richmond, VA
    efusco . . . I agree with you.

    However, I'd like to see Toyota (and others) make important safety equipment available as indivudually selectable items, instead of bundling the safety featers with other add-ons that you may not want, just to jack up the price (and profits).
  7. efusco

    efusco Moderator Emeritus
    Staff Member

    Nov 26, 2003
    Nixa, MO
    2004 Prius
    That I agree with 100%! Or at least make it it's own package or whatever. I'm sure that bundling helps level costs and such, but if safety is something they take seriously they shouldn't require you to get SKS or whatever to have it.
  8. KTPhil

    KTPhil Active Member

    Jan 14, 2005
    Sheesh, I don't depend on the government to save me. I make the choices that I want. I bought the package with the 8 airbags and VSC. If all I wanted was mpg and airbags, I could have bought another car. But I'm not made of money, so I made compromises within my budget. I don't see any conspiracy behind this, just the free market at work.

    Sure, they should all weigh 3 tons for safety, come with 16 airbag (after all, what cruel parent would only buy 15?), and my insurance should also be included, so no child is left behind in the ER.

    Oh, and of course someone ELSE should pay for all this.
  9. fillerup

    fillerup New Member

    Sep 3, 2005
    Sorry, Doc, if the response seemed hostile. That wasn't my intention.

    But illogical? I don't think so.

    In general, Joe Carbuyer doesn't buy the Prius. Joe Carbuyer can't afford to buy the Prius--he/she buys the Corolla and Civic and Hyundai Whatever.

    The Prius, although not the most expensive car in the dealership, is Toyota's present day pride and joy, a technological tour de force, pointing the company in the direction it wants to head into the future. But you have to pay extra for side curtains and airbags? It doesn't sound right and it isn't right, IMHO.

    If Honda can do it for all of its 2006 Civics, Toyota should be able to do the same. (And Civics did not go up in price $3000 because of it.)

    I have read a few posts, here, where (with a few exceptions) posters' priority was the navigation option--and safety features just happened to come along as extras with the navigation as an afterthought for them. Otherwise, they would not have ordered the curtains and air bags separately.

    I can only give my opinion, but I think this is backwards thinking. The safety features should have been the priority with the navigation the afterthought.
    Of course, it is a free country, and everyone is entitled to free choice in the marketplace.

    But Toyota should do better for one of its flagships and include the features in this automobile--especially in this automobile!
  10. tdi2prius

    tdi2prius New Member

    Sep 10, 2005
    Milwaukee, WI
    Yes, it's a free country.
    Yes, businesses can do what they want.
    Yes, you can buy another car for less with greater safety features.
    Yes, it's a free market.

    Maybe I have a middle ground here so folks don't get nasty.

    We all know that Toyota's building a car that doesn't make money. They'll go out of business if they did. So they're bundling things to increase returns. No problem here. IMHO they should take the Scion approach and offer most of these things as dealer installs so we could choose for ourselves -- a democracy and free market at work and in our own hands. Then the dealers would make more money, have fewer ordering and allocation headaches, and people could assume for themselves their own personal level of commitment to safety and preference for comfort.

    Is the Toyota service network up to this? Imagine the additional profit they could make on a hot car in a hot market. And local markets could determine their own pricing. I think more power is in order for everyone. Toyota should send us the car with maybe 1-2 package choices and then let us decide what we want afterwards with dealer installs. In the right hands most of these things are not rocket science. They can be done for consumers who need or want them later. Excessive and immediate consumption should not be forced upon us. (I thought I was buying a green car.) Furthermore, dealers would enjoy additional cash flow as buyers came in looking for these add-ons later on. I think everyone wins this way.

    Does anyone agree? I see validity in everyone's view here. Let's keep working to help spread the word about a great car and a great forum and leave it at that. I cringe when I see people go after each other so please, let's help each other figure out what's happening, understand and respect the causes, and then make an informed decision or offer support to each other when possible.
  11. deh2k

    deh2k New Member

    Jul 12, 2004
    New Hampshire
    2005 Prius
    I don't see what all the fuss is about. The 2004-2005 AM package has all the safety features, with just the SKS added. Toyota produces a very good choice for the safety-conscious Prius shopper.

    If that package is not available in some parts of the US, it's because the regional distributor didn't think it would sell well there. If they're correct in that assessment, then whose fault is that?

    A la carte ordering would be nice, but it would probably increase the cost and decrease the quality of the car. Personally, I found the current arrangement to be just right.
  12. hdrygas

    hdrygas New Member

    May 22, 2004
    Olympia Wa
    2004 Prius
    For me the and for a while the safety features were the first thing. The rest followed. When I talk to people about the Prius I push the side air bags or steer them off to a car with these features. I spent too much time in the ER as a Medical Student to do anything else. More safety is better.
  13. spwolf

    spwolf Senior Member

    Sep 16, 2005
    Eastern Europe
    yep, that seems pretty logical to me...
  14. tdi2prius

    tdi2prius New Member

    Sep 10, 2005
    Milwaukee, WI
    Yes, safety. Especially with today's SUV cruise missles coming sideways at you. This is one reason I like the added amber signal size in the 06. More information for other drivers.

    A curious oddity is found in package #2 which offers no additional airbags. Why have this at all? Package #3 and up has the bags and #1 has them by themselves. I couldn't imagine anyone wanting #2.
  15. Schmika

    Schmika New Member

    May 27, 2005
    Xenia, OH
    If you don't want personal safety equipment like airbags and seatbelts, thats fine. Things like VSC and ABS help you keep from hiting ME. I think those items should be required on ALL cars.

    Like the Doc, I see the results of crashes A LOT (Law enforcement) I reseve the majority of my limited emotional sympathy for the VICTIMS (those who did not contribute to the crash). Empathy, I have an unlimited supply of.
  16. daronspicher

    daronspicher Active Member

    Sep 27, 2005
    the thing I think stinks is that the Prius doesn't come with all the handling of a 700 series BMW, nor the comfort level. I am hopping mad that the entry level Pruis doesn't have all of that and cost $49,000 entry level. How DARE they leave out those basic needs of mine?

    Shame on them... SHAME ON THEM!!

    I somehow hope that came across as absurd. I'm glad that the entry level prius is fairly basic and not the full navigation with leather. I was able to evaluate what I needed (my wife indicated that the need was for package #1), and what I wanted (which would be the Navigation system, but not leather).. and figure out that what I would be getting is the 2006, package #5. No navigation system, not even the special headlights if I recall, but yes, on bluetooth, side curtain airbags and stability control.

    And, a middle ground on price. I just couldn't quite get myself to another $2500 for the navigation stuff.

    And, the curtain airbags and stability control were important to me. They are not required and may deem optional for someone not wanting to spend the $2000 to get the stuff that I decided I wanted.

    Yay for America having some choices left, and not all in the hands of the 9th circuit court and the ACLU. As screwed up as it would be to not have choices in picking a Prius, I bet the ACLU would take up your case. Give them a call.
  17. tdi2prius

    tdi2prius New Member

    Sep 10, 2005
    Milwaukee, WI
    I absolutely agree. I've been driving over 30 years and I worry about others' actions, not mine. To illustrate, a few weeks ago a lady on the interstate in front of me lost control of her car, did a 360, went back and forth through four lanes of traffic, regained control of her car, and went on her way. Thankfully I was able to stop and the other drivers behind me saw me stopping so she could do her thing. VSC would have helped there.

    What would make me happy is for Toyota to put the bags and VSC together in the #1. In my market (no #4) I'm required to pay an additional $2,555 to get the VSC. Handcuffing the VSC to other luxury items is immoral.

    I'm glad to see someone in law enforcement step in here. Thanks.
  18. dbird29

    dbird29 Junior Member

    Apr 5, 2005
    For the ultimate safety shouldn't the Government just force everyone to stay home?
    No driving equals no SUVs slamming into underequipped Toyota's!

    Oh wait, that's the Smart Growth movement.
  19. DaveinOlyWA

    DaveinOlyWA 3rd Time was Solariffic!!

    Apr 13, 2004
    South Puget Sound, WA
    2013 Nissan LEAF
    i have to say i agree with the option that gives me the most choices.. i dont do "luxury" cars for that exact reason. they dont have options.

    sure the ultimate would be a Prius for $15k with all customizable options. but they do need to limit their option paks or there would be a even greater wait time.

    a "just in time, built to order" is utopia and we all know when utopia is coming. but until we get there, the more choices i can make the better.

    i do agree that Toyota does tend to bunch a lot of unrelated options together. SKS shouldnt have been added to what was an all safety options pak.
  20. Tideland Prius

    Tideland Prius Moderator of the North
    Staff Member

    Oct 2, 2004
    Other Non-Hybrid
    SKS can technically be a safety feature. It allows quicker entry into the vehicle without "fumbling" for keys.

    Don't forget, you guys in the States have the widest number of options available. You can practically "mix and match" and find the package you want with the features you want.

    In Canada, all we have are Premium Package (JBL, airbags, VSC etc) and Navigation Package (everything else sans HIDs)

    In Japan, they have two models - S and G each with a Touring Package (tv tuner, nav, CD Changer) etc

    In the UK they have 3 models, T3 (base), T4 (cruise, foglights, JBL) and T Spirit (nav)