The radio in my package III would shut off randomly (maybe 1-2 times a month). Turning the radio back on is no problem, but all the presets get erased, which is annoying. Don't say take it back to the dealer since the problem will not be reproducible and they will just send me away again. Does this happen to anyone else? Solutions?
The fact that you are losing the presets indicates to me that there is a loose connection involved. The only time that I am aware that you would lose the presets is if you lose the 12VDC to the radio. I would start by checking the connector plugs on the back of the radio.
While that is great advice, I would start by driving to the Toyota dealer after calling and making an appointment. This would clearly be a warranty item unless you have been playing with your underdash wiring to make some aftermarket alteration.
I personally don't have this problem and I have had mine Since last year Sept. Best bet is call Toyta USA tell them about the problem. Take it in to your dealer and have your dealer to look at it.
I am having the same exact problem with my 2010 AND my wife's 2011!!! It's probably happened 5-7 times in the last couple months between the two cars... It always happens to us while listening to burned MP3 cd's... Could it be the CD-RW brand? The radio just goes black, and everything is erased. The dealership actually replaced BOTH radios, but they still do it. It's extremely aggravating!!!
Got the sampe problem. It occurred every three weeks. I was listening to mp3s on cds. The first two weeks, everything was fine. The third week, the shuffle was all wrong, it was always the same mp3s being played. At the end of the third week, the radio was shutting down with a loud bang. After re-starting the radio, it was all reset, all radio stations lost, and the shuffle was working fine back again. The radio was good for another three weeks. Got the dealer to change the radio, everything fine since then.