So I am getting close to taking possession of a 2005 Prius that has less than 17k miles. Being a shade tree mechanic I am starting to think about what maintenance I may need to do to the car. With most used cars I have acquired, replacing all the fluids is the first step I take. As far as I know, none of the fluids have been changed (except motor oil). So I am thinking, Engine Coolant Inverter Coolant (this is a new one for me and I don't know a thing about this one yet) Brake Fluid Transmission Fluid (I am guessing it is too early for this??) Motor Oil (changed it this month, so that is OK) Umm, I think that is all the fluid this car has, right? Thanks in advance for your advice!
If you do the brake fluid, you will need special equipment to bleed the brakes. It's not really a DIY item.
I guess I need to read up on the Prius brake system then. I change fluid in my ABS equipped cars now w/o any issue.
Since the car only has 17K miles on it, I would say that if the engine/inverter coolant is the correct pink color, and the brake fluid looks OK, then don't worry about changing those fluids at this time. The factory-fill coolant is good for 100K miles. If you really feel like changing a fluid other than the engine oil, the transaxle ATF is a good choice because the fluid contains some contaminants from the manufacturing process as well as from normal use, and it is good to get rid of that periodically. Don't forget to inspect the engine and cabin air filters. The other likely maintenance item at this time would be to replace the 12V battery if it is original equipment. Especially with such low mileage, the battery probably spent most of its time in a partially discharged state.
The 12V battery was dead a few weeks ago actually. I jumped it and drove the car 50 miles or so to charge it up. It seems fine now, but you are right, I should check the voltage, or have it load tested, to see if it needs to be renewed. It is the OEM btw. Also a good call on the tranaxle fluid. I didn't consider the fact that it is still the factory fill and may need changing due to contaminates.
Normally I suggest a first ATF refresh at 30k miles (use Toyota Type WS ATF - about a gallon) and then every 60k miles thereafter for a Gen2 Prius. I hadn't thought about low mileage, older Prii, but Pat is very knowledgeable so follow his lead. JeffD
The cooling systems (two) are pressurized sytems, so have equipment to correctly do the work...and ONLY use Toyota coolant.
As Pat said, do not worry about the braking system except for topping off the fluid. The braking system works in conjunction with the HV Battery charging system and the actual mechanical brakes do not take effect til 8 mph or less. IF: you open up the braking system and loose brake fluid you must take it to the dealer for proper bleeding, costs: a min. of $125.00. Plus tow! If you want to improve HV battery charging keep your foot lightly on the brake when coasting to a stop, this will also allow you to get better mpg off the full battery. This drives the other drivers nuts, as they always speed up to the red light and then jamb on the brakes. This way they get there faster! :cheer2:
Thanks for all the tips. I actually have been able to use this car a bit lately even though it is not mine yet. All the reading I have been doing on this site is helping me use the car pretty efficiently. On a recent 175 mile trip I was able to get 58.4 mpg on the MFD. I was pretty happy with that. The odo has 17.8k on it now and really all the fluids look great (the ones that I can see). When I get it I'll change the transaxle fluid and let brake fluid alone until i understand it better. It is still clear. This car has not had the inverter pump recall done to it so once that is done at least the inverter coolant will be fresh.