I don't understand what the Gen II Prius has to do with this. Since the OP posted in the Gen III area and stated he wants a Prius II, I interpret that to mean that he wants a 2010 or 2011 (Gen 3) model Two (since Toyota has done away w/Roman numerals). The Gen 2 (2004-2009) has been discontinued for the US market long ago. Regardless, your assertion is still untrue bringing in a discontinued Gen 2 (at least non-tourings) vs. a 2011 Golf TDI. Per http://www.fueleconomy.gov/feg/sbs.htm : 2011 Golf TDI is EPA rated 30 city/42 highway, 34 combined 2009 Prius (this is a Gen 2): 48 city/45 highway, 46 combined 2011 Prius (this is a Gen 3): 51 city/48 highway, 50 combined From CR's testing of a 2nd gen Prius non-touring at http://web.archive.org/web/20080618...-advice/most-fuelefficient-cars-206/index.htm, you can see that it beats the Golf TDI in every fuel economy measure as well at Most fuel-efficient cars. mark54321: Please clarify which generation you're looking for.
I have a 1.5 mile commute, the '10 Prius is my wife's daily driver (non-hypermiler), we get our share of sub-0F weather and snow/ice, etc. So our mpg will be lower than some, but here we are to date: Winter 09-10 46.2 mpg Spring 10 51.2 Summer 10 51.4 Fall 10 51.7 Winter 10-11 48.6 (incomplete) Sure hope my mileage continues to fall off at the pace so far. Clearly, learning to drive the car helps more than any minor change in HV battery condition. Clearly winter is a bear. The VW should be more consistent since it wastes a higher % of its fuel and doesn't achieve the high mpg's of Prius in ideal conditions.
Hey guys, I've linked this thread to another forum, and they also knew there was something wrong back in 1990. When i pointed to tpfun, they soon remembered seeing that poster's face in the newpaper back then. Now we have european interpol to find where he is. Sorry, that's what diagonal reading does for you!
This is the first paragraph on John's site: "I bought a Classic Prius (hybrid-electric, fuel-efficient, super-ultra-low-emission vehicle) back on 9/9/2000 and drove it in Minnesota until I replaced it on 10/23/2003 with an Iconic Prius (which is even cleaner and more efficient). Then on 5/26/2009, I upgraded to a 2010 Prius (for amazing efficiency)." I am speculating, but I am guessing John did not track the mileage of whoever he sold it to. That is why my 'prove' is in quotes, I fully realize that an anecdote is not data. You are the one trying to find subtle trends in a single anecdote.If your graph had 100 drivers I would believe it completely. I annoy both sides by claiming that climate change occurs over 1000s of years. I do think man changes climate, I do think man should minimize those changes, but the feedback loop of doing so is measured in centurys. Our American political process never makes such long term changes, we wait until crises hit and then posture about who should have done something 100 years ago. I do not disbelieve in global warming, nor do I disbelieve that man modifies climate, I merely believe 150 years of good data is not enough to find a trend. (just as I believe one graph of one car cannot establish a trend)
The graph does have multiple drivers in it, just 4 vehicles though, still more than the one. But your point is fair, the data is limited.
Found this 73 (!) page thread on the diesel vs Prius debate. http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-iii...lder-weather-has-zapped-my-mileage-44mpg.html
A buddy of mine keeps an assortment of repacement bulbs in his VW Golf to complete long trips safely.
It's too bad he did not keep the Prius for a long term study. Since you posted this interesting link, I was wondering if you agree with the conclusions they are making from the same DOE study. quote: Jim Francfort, principal investigator at the Idaho National Laboratory in Idaho Falls, which is operated for the Department of Energy. Evaluations showed that the rechargeable batteries lasted to 160,000 miles with no effect on fuel economy. Air Conditioning and Hybrid Mileage | Hybrid Cars This conclusion is also quite interesting. I wonder how many owners here have been misled into believing the higher computer measured MPG's. quote:Francfort and his team also determined that the computer dashboard readings for fuel economy—which most drivers use to base their judgment rather than manually calculating the actual mpg—inflates mileage numbers by somewhere between 10 to 20 percent.
I do the math on every tank. Sometimes the math is higher than the MFD, most times the MFD is higher than the math. Under 5% optimistic is about right for my 2009. I hear rumors the Gen III is more optimistic, 10%., but I never owned one. I have never owned a Honda Hybrid or the Gen I Prius so I can't speak to that.
He changed from one Prius to another to another... What's your point? I have shown that my toaster has lasted 2 years without any effect on toast colour degradation. Does that mean my toaster will break tomorrow? That is pure falsehood. It is proven on these boards and others that the computer is 3-5% optimistic (shows higher than it is). However, the numbers tracked by long term drivers use actual gallons pumped and actual miles driven. The MFD is taken out of the equation.
There are various stereotypes for Prius owners, and at the risk of perpetuating them, John appears to 'always want the next great thing', while I fall into 'drives insane distances, forever'. (Prior to my current job driving 30,000 miles a year as a network administrator for a mental health agency, I lived in Elko Nevada for 14 years and worked at a 'local' mine some 50 miles away. The nearest town larger than 10,000 people was 290 miles west in Reno, 290 miles north in Boise, 290 miles east in Salt Lake City, or 420 miles south in Las Vegas. So it was a 8 hour commitment to go to Walmart, or Sears from work. Elko has grown since I started there. My Toyota Corolla All-Trac wagon served me well, for 20 years) Region One Mental Health Center :: Home Barrick Gold Corporation - Goldstrike Elko, Nevada - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
That's not it. The question is whether the degradation of the battery (and in your analogy, say the toaster element) over the 2 years has an impact on the performance.
The agency you refer to denies there was any degradation, you know. Air Conditioning and Hybrid Mileage | Hybrid Cars " Francfort originally thought their battery evaluations would "go to 100,00 miles because that's how long the batteries are under warranty. The batteries were working so well, we thought we'd go further." They finally settled on 160,000 miles. Evaluations showed that the rechargeable batteries lasted to 160,000 miles with no effect on fuel economy." I know mere facts won't sway an opinion, but the facts are out there.
Same here, I drove my last Honda for more than 15 years, probably not your typical Prius owner - type.
Yes, I read that, that's why I posted the clip. Question is do you agree with that conclusion or do you discount it because of the limited sample here ?
Not sure we are ever typical, but of the 5 Prius I routinely see, one is a Gen I with 225,000 miles driven by a Methodist Pastor. Original owners of Gen I Prius have to have kept them for 8 years, perhaps 10.
Reading through various posts of yours on the forum I am genuinely confused as to how you process and think through statements... You continue to make logical fallacies, most notably of the red-herring type. How does you owning a Honda have anything to do with the "typical" Prius owner? Numerous polls on this site have shown there is no "typical" Prius owner. Nobody with a Prius has had it for 15 years, since it did not exist 15 years ago. Give it another 2 years and you may find a couple Japanese folk in that category.
Nothing. Just responding to JP. Should have used the term "stereotypical" instead, lazy typing. The active members on this site are a self selected bunch of Prius owners, that's for sure.
There is neither a "typical" nor a "stereotypical" bunch of Prius drivers. You do not own a Prius and yet are active on this site. It seems logical that a site called "Priuschat" would have more Prius drivers than a general automotive forum. However, the members here have very differing opinions on driving technique, purchase reason, religion, sexuality, economic policy and pretty much everything else. I am still unsure of your conclusion, or what you are trying to conclude.
The membership here comprises mainly of a self selected set of owners from the overall Prius pool with a smattering of other non or potential owners. Anyway, what are we discussing here ? I would rather not derail the OP's thread.