Moved to modifications:
That's pretty cool, does your key fob not have a panic button, or did you just cover it? Also, can you share more details about what you used to cover it, where you got it, and cost? Is this custom made or available commercially? Thanks...
Mark: Hahaha!! I'll take that 0.01MPG then, I quite like it!! Paul: yeah, my key don't have a panic button, not for those in HK I guess... I just used some instant immitation carbon sticker to cover it, I don't have the name nor the brand, because it's a gift from my friend (so it cost me nothing), it sticks quite well but you got to rub off the residual glue left on the side, it's quite stretchy so it's easy applying. I don't know where you could get it but it is definitely something like this: Carbon Fiber Sticker is carbon fiber sticker company specializing in DIY carbon fiber sticker
Any minute fraction of an MPG increase is worth it now that gas prices are through the stinkin' roof....
Looks pretty good IMO. To whoever was looking for sheets of peel-n-stick carbon fiber sheets, you can find them on Ebay pretty cheap. Get the dry carbon look, as it looks better (looks like that's what the OP used, so it's not too glossy and fake looking).
That's right, mine's a dry carbon look... actaully I am planning to do the steering wheel too, but I couldnt figure out how to flick out those 2 silver bits to do it.... anyone could help??
When I was 14, I could fill up my Honda Scrambler's 1.5 gal tank for $0.25 during the $0.18 per gallon OK gas wars. No that wasn't 1900, :glare: it was 1971 and we'll never see that again. LOL, at least she didn't say she wanted it on YOUR fob. j/k
Yup, I remember once when I was younger, I went with my mother to the gas station for a fill up. When the attendant told her the payment was $12, she nearly had a stroke. She argued with the guy saying there is no way it could be that much since it never had been before. I thought she was about to make him suck it all back out so she could go somewhere else. I can't remember what year it was maybe 1976 or so. And I can't remember what the price per gallon was all the way back then, but it had to be less than $1 per gallon, guessing that the car probably had a 20+ gallon tank. I think the car was a Buick LeSabre or maybe a Park Ave. I do remember it being very big, ugly gold colored, and needing several acres to make a u-turn.