roy this is daniel형 lol... we nned to start the roof b4 the steering lol anywayz i saw some bad nice person wood steering with leather in the japanese magazine at the socal meet feb. try to make it to march meet and check out the cars.. im gonna get the carbon sheet from local guy next to my house and thinking of doing the roof and the interior... 같이하자 따른거있음 hit me up
I've installed Wheelskins on other vehicles & been very happy with the results. Just plan on about two hours or so and wear gloves with a good grip so you can pull the strings very tight.
I have wheelskins on mine. I was surprised at the wear on my 04 wheel at the 9 O'clock position. Really like the leather.
how much $$ do you have? 2009 - 10 TOYOTA PRIUS CARBON STEERING WHEEL 6 COLORS J - eBay (item 360234205421 end time Apr-07-11 01:22:08 PDT) 2009 - 10 TOYOTA PRIUS GENUINE LEATHER STEERING WHEEL - eBay (item 270639610034 end time Mar-23-11 01:47:56 PDT)
I've been looking at order one of the JDM wheels. Only thing is I remember reading somewhere that the JDM wheel doesn't work with the USDM car. There was no info as to why that was though. Don't really want to spend that kind of cash for the wheel not to work haha
I have already lined up someone to do swap with me because I'm redoing all the leather in my car and then some in the semi-near future and am swapping my leather wheel plus some money for his plastic one. No sense in tearing apart a perfectly good steering wheel just to redo it. It might as well benefit someone. Depending on his and my funds because he's taking my seat covers as well plan on seeing it done by our April or May meet. Cannot wait, I'm so excited!!
@SHAWN see u at the meet... u say u already have someone??? if not i will trade anyday + some cash LOL i really want a wood(carbon) + the leather from the picture but 600 is too much.. i will settle for leather only. because im in the car pretty much all day long @ ROY u should come to the meet 26th @ TORRANCE ur hometown LOL
I will let you know if something happens and our deal falls through. Just to verify, you have charcoal grey for interior as well?