I live in Los Angeles and I was wondering, do Prius ownwers have to put change in parking meters when they want to park next to one? I thought I heard that we don't, but want to be sure. I'm sure the rules are different from city to city, but this question pertains to L.A. County. Thanks in advance. Hope you all changed your clocks back one hour......
I think that only applies to Zero Emission Vehicles (EV's),which get the white HOV sticker and it is in the City of Los Angeles and Santa Monica, not the County.
Prius's do get free parking at meters within Los Angeles city. You don't need a sticker. You do have to observe the time limits though. Also make sure the meter is Los Angeles city. For example, North Hollywood is part of Los Angeles city but Burbank, next door, is not. Free LA Parking
The document you attached was a proposal to extend the free parking termination date to June 30, 2006 but does anyone know for sure whether it was approved or not?
I have parked and continue to park in LA meters and never had any trouble. Just keep in mind that you are not exempt from the regulations (or time limits, etc). And because I do get paranoid I usually place a copy of that webpage on my windshield. Call me weird, but at least i leave my car in peace.
Yes, La City did pass or extended the free meter parking to 2006. I called the city's transportation dept. during the summer to get it verified before I parked at a meter.
I've been parking free at L.A. meters with no problem. I do check and make sure the meter says "City of Los Angeles" though, since you can easily cross the line into another municipality without knowing it. You don't need stickers. Jan
Albuauerque has free meter parking as long as your car is registered with the city. Our car is permit #2. Cheers, mi3ke