It isn't necessary when the thing itself does it so much better: Roman Catholic Church approves Confession app
Well its not like confession in the Catholic church meant anything, kill someone, cheat on someone, hurt someone, two hail Mary's and go do it again.
Now the vatican is not liking the app, sounds like the royalty rights fell thru, and the church will make squat off of this app....
More Hypocrisy from the R.C.C. About time to Ban the Church from operating in this country. church, Philadelphia&st=cse
There is no legitimate institution for pedophiles to correct their sexual pathology. So I think a lot of pedophiles go into the church in search of a cure for their sexual deviance. What happens, is they don't find a remedy, but instead find a means to satisfy their compulsion and at the same time concoct a rationalization using their religious teachings to perpetuate their pedophilia indefinitely(ie. sin, then repent, sin then repent, wash rinse and repeat).
You are on to a great truth there, but it isn't just pedophilia. The church by its own doctrine is sort of a book club for deviants of all variation- the socially inept, mentally challenged, scientifically challenged, sexually deviant, financial predators, etc.. I live in a community where the financial predator aspect of the "Sunday religious" set is frighteningly relevant.
Funny you should mention that. I once tried to get a mortgage through a local broker 5-6 years ago. He was trying to sell me exotic loans and then charged me for not going with that mortgage. Anyways, I dumped him. Fast forward to today, he and his wife are now serving 15 years in the federal penitentiary for committing financial fraud(real estate ponzi scheme) on mostly his mormon church members. I guess if you're gullible enough to believe in medieval myths you're probably a good target for financial scams.
I thought about listing the great thinkers of history who were "church men" but then I thought that this forum probably had a limit on the size of one " post".
I would say go for it, but start a new thread. Then someone here (not me I am not that smart) would make a list equal to or longer of great thinkers who were not religious or may be or have been members of other faiths. I don't know if "church men" is inclusive of all faiths or not? I would surmise that "church men" means Christian? There are many religions in the world there are quite a few faiths older than Christianity and then there are some newer ones also.
There are many and I suspect your proposal would be correct but only because of the numbers who identify themselves as 'religious' or church people as opposed to those that identify themselves as atheist or none at all. As above I don't think that possible as there are very few that identify themselves as atheist as compared to those who identify themselves as religious or as "Church people" in one manner or the other. I don't recall that hamill33 listed a specific faith or religion in his proposal or that you can specify 'church men' exclusively as Christian but that said I'd still think he would be correct in his proposal especially if you lump the Jews and Christians together as they worship the same God. After all it was religion that first formed educational institutions so I should think that they had a bit of an advantage. BTW there are all kinds of lists out there that have done what you two propose. 100 Scientists Who Shaped World History I find it ironic that you disparage such a large group of people from the acts of a few and yet you quote Charles Lindbergh, a very religious man, in your sig. As well as being put into a position of trust with easy access to underage children, much like teachers which probably outnumber the incidence of Priest's engaging in pedophilia. Wow! Closer to the truth and done with the least amount of animosity and hateful language than I have ever experience from you burritos, you should be congratulated. :cheer2: Sex offenders have without a doubt the greatest recidivism rate of all 'criminals' studied.