My Toyota dealer offers 6 year/75K mi for $1400 and 7year/125K mi for $2125. Says offered through Toyota. I know there are other vendors but I'm not ready to research yet. In all cases, I would not proceed without carefully reading coverage, T&C details, etc.. However at this preliminary stage I would welcome any advice and especially real experiences (good and bad) anyone has had. Thank you.
Got a 6yr/75k ToyotaCare Platimium policy for $600 from toyota dealer in Littleton, MA. Look them up on the internet.
If the extended warranty is expected to pay for itself why buy a car that will need so much work? Save your money. If you really want it, compare your dealer's price to the price of the same warranty offered through this site.
I purchased the extended warranty through Toyota. I rarely do this, but the Toyota Extended warranty is 100% refundable at the end of the term. If you use any part of the extended warranty, that amount is deducted from what you paid. Its like a 0% interest savings plan. Most everything on a Prius is very expensive. I believe there are around 18 computers and over 110 intelligent sensors and relays on a 2011. None of them are cheap to replace. Extended warranties are insurance policies. Only time will tell if it was a good idea. I also purchased a maintenance plan that covers all maintenance after the original factory warranty including the 30k and 60k service and just about everything else. The dealer I bought the car from includes a lifetime warranty on the drivetrain and I know from experience they honor it and will replace an engine or transmission even at 200k miles.
It's a common but faulty argument used to justify extended warranty purchase. People act like the Gen III is so much more complicated than the Gen II, but the Gen II has a lot of computers as well and proven to be extremely reliable. Sure, there might be a few more sensors if you have the Adv. Tech package, but there's no reason to think these few more sensors are more likely to fail compared to Gen II's reliability records. Purchase the extended warranty for peace of mind if you like, but the above justification isn't valid.
I paid $2000 for 8yr/125K miles from the dealer before I learned about PriusChat. I recently found this "sticky". I can't post a URL yet so navigate to PriusChat Forums > PriusChat Marketplace > Sponsored Commercial Sale > Discounted Toyota Prius Extended Warranty / Service Contracts I submitted the form and got back a quote of $1630 from a dealership in MA. If nothing else, I'd get a printout of the quote and bring it with me.
^Don't do that, as it might justify them not offering it here @ Priuschat any longer...just buy it from the one to whom you submitted the form (warranties are refundable).
The Warranty offered here on PC by TOG is a true Toyota Warranty, the warranty offered by Toyota Southeastern Region (yes, includes Florida) is through a third party warranty company. (I know, I was suckered in by my dealership, but promtly cancelled it and purchased through TOG.) You'd be better off getting the true Toyota Warranty, it's cheaper and you don't have to worry if it will be honored outside the Southeastern Region if you move or happen to be traveling...
Or you could just self insure and put the money to one side or use your savings should something go wrong. Extended warranties are one of those things that are subject to personal risk preferences. You pays your money or you takes your chances.
My dealer price matched any deal I could find anywhere, I paid $675 plus tax for a price of $715 for an 8 year 75k, my feelings are that I may not use it but I feel better having it. I had the same type coverage on my Corvette at $825 and when the tranny went at 6 years they put a new one in and also put in a new clutch (I paid for the clutch no labor ) the tranny would have cost me somewhere around 3k, now I'm having a problem with the seat memory , 400 -600 that to falls under the coverage, so it worked out for me to have the the extra coverage. It doesn't take that much to eat the coverage plans cost.
I'm just not feeling the love with these extended service contracts especially regardless of the $$$ amount. There have been plenty of thread discussions about this issue, so do a search and read up. I'd prefer to take Grumpie Cab's advice and self-insure. A few bucks in my hand is worth a whole lot more than sitting in the dealer's hand. With all that said, you've got to decide what is best for you and your circumstances. Good luck
how would one go about getting a refund for their warranty? is their an amount of time or certain mileage before you can't request it back?
Not surprising at all with a GM .... I'm surprised even GM sells extended warranties on their own vehicles. REV
This. Used them 2x's. Excellent pricing, legit warranty literature and contract came straight from Toyota.
Normally you have 3 business days to cancel a contract and recieve a full refund (this may vary by state). After that, there could be a termination fee. Check your contract, it should specify what is required to cancel.
The quote I provided is a better deal and it did not include the Priuschat affiliation information. The link is to and the quote is from a Toyota dealer. You can always block out the Priuschat information.
Hey I currently bought a Prius can someone tell me if I can find a better deal somewhere else? I got a prepaid maintenance program coverage level premium. 5 year 75000 for 1760. And I also got Toyota extra care 5 years 100,000 for 1495. If someone can direct me somewhere that will offer a cheaper price i am willing to cancel ASAP. Btw was this a good price?
Can someone explain why you would buy an extended warranty on a new car. Correct me if I'm wrong, but it doesn't even start until the 3yr/36k warranty runs out. In fact you can buy it anytime up until then. While you should be able to get the purchase price refunded before that date, why give someone money now for something you can't use for another couple of years?
In my case it was easier to do it in the loan at 0% interest. I've never bought an extended warranty before on any car, but my wife wanted it for peace of mind. I have the 8 yr/100k mile warranty for $1250 from the dealer. It is a Toyota warranty as I've already received the paperwork from Toyota. The nice part is that if I don't use it the dealer applies the money toward your next car & since I love Toyotas that seemed like a good deal. :cheer2: