[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B4Fs5zBfJ-Q"]YouTube - My Gov Watch | Our government should be on grifter alert![/ame] From another forum I frequent... an oldie but goodie...
I have to call this guy out on a couple of key points: 1. His suspicious exclusion of the hydroscillator levitation coil. Unless I am incorrect, the patents for those (in all three variations) are public domain, so why hide them....unless he has something to show? 2. I would say that he covered pretty much everything from the Palladium Inverse Exchange Channel (PIEC) opening displayed clearly on the board to the less obvious (yet thrice as critical) chiral boroluminiscent serial magnets, HOWEVER, he makes no mention of the ureal injection moldings? Does this transmission use a feralcatalyst instead? And if so, is it contained in a safety cage to insure a 360-degree spray array?