...since every technology is a transitional technology to the next thing. Horses were a transitional technology between walking and the gas engine. The gas engine is a transitional technology between horses and hybrids. Hybrids are a transitional technology between gas engines and whatever-comes-next. Fuel cell cars? Matter transmitters? The question is, when you need a car, what can you buy today? Jan
I'm afraid I don't understand your question completely, but I'll comment on it anyway. Hybrid is a transitional technology because it was designed to bridge the gap between 20th century conventional cars and a solution that doesn't depend on oil. But that doesn't mean hybrid is not important. It is important, because it may be all we've got if fuel cell technology gets delayed again.
A Prius, of course. I didn't mean it as a real question, but as a rhetorical one. I brought this up because I keep reading articles where the writer calls hybrids a "transitional technology," as if that were a reason NOT to buy one or not to be excited by it. When you need a car, you buy what's available today, not what's on the burner for a decade from now. Jan
Hybrids are here, they're real, and they deliver on promises. Like I said, in a few years, it'll be all we've got as the alternatives will remain vaporware. Fuel cells are still going to be way off and getting started is a problematic chicken and egg scenario...
Defiantly transitional but it will be around for a while until the next thing is worked out, but then I already voted didn’t I?
for some reason that i dont understand, my godfather thinks i'm silly buying a prius because we will someday soon have hydrogen or some other technology that will trump it. i thinkit's a silly way of looking at things. i need a new car, likely in the next year. if i am willing to buy in the first, say, half of 2006, i get my so called 'hybrid premium' returned. then, i just have a car that is much better for the environment, gets killer gas milage (and with the premium removed, it's all free money saved!), is leaps and bounds more techie than my 96 camry, has more passenger room, and is a hatchback to boot! sure, it's transitional. you could tell me there will be a new,safe, usable hydrogen car coming out in 2008 (i thhink we'd know if we were getting a 2007 model, really) and i'd STILL be buying the prius in the spring. it comes down to the fact that i need a car, and the prius not only meets my needs cheaper than the camry i'd otherwise buy, and gives me a lot of 'extras' along the way.
Hybrid technology should not be a transitional technology. Using petroleum-based products to power things should be phased out. Whatever replaces gasoline should be partnered with hybrid technology in the same way that gasoline and deisel vehicles are today. How repetitive would it be to find a way to fuel cars on hydrogen and then find new and exciting ways to consume more and more hydrogen? I don't care if the next generation of fuel is biomatter, hydrogen, solar, or soylent. It should be partnered with hybrid technology to reduce the rate at which we consume it.
I'd like to see those who are waiting for hydrogen cars to come to actually buy then when they first come out lol. They'll be too chicken to.
Everything is transitional? but the latest and the greatest as long as its not buggy as "well"... when it outdates it still have a great resale, if not... you enjoyed the ride. If we are afraid to buy because it may get outdated, you better not buy a new computer, tv, or anything electronic for that matter. I think the main concern is "will it be worthless in a few years?".... not the prius.... the public is just starting to discover it.... hybrids are going to grow like wildfire, now that they are dependable and comfortable, and luxurious too.... there will always be rednecks that wont even buy anything foreign.... let them keep thier horses and old technolgy.... as for me... give me my tv, computer, solar econodrive watch, gps, pda, and my prius with its nav with audio controlled climate, audio, navigation, and etc etc..... If you really think about it...if you don't want to buy technology, then the prius is not for you!.. As for me.. Ill be stylin and profilin in my new 2006 package #8. I may even install a sunroof so I can deerhunt in EV mode in total quiet!..... oh I guess that wouldn't be fair to the little deers.. and slightly illegal too?