I'll add my name to the list of folks having problems with the Bluetooth sound quality of the T616 (AT&T). People I have called can hear me fine, but their voices are chopped and difficult to understand through the Prius system. I'm looking at the Nokia 6820, but $280 is a tough pill to swallow right after buying a new car. Just ranting a little and providing another data point on the T616.
I have the T616 with Cingular and have had great results with it. I have had some issues talking to my son when he is on his cell with his Jabra headset but I think those problems are with him since I also have problems hearing him on the house phone when he is on his cell. I did have some problems talking to my daughter when she was on her cell (AT&T) and we were driving from Philadelphia to Baltimore. I think those problems were just signal strength added to both on cells. For everyday useage it has been fine.
some of the choppyness is due to the bluetooth technology. The system is consantly change frequencies and the idea is that if there is interferance on a wavelenght that it won't be enough to cause any problems in the overall connection. however this being said I've had the same problem w/ my jabra earpiece. It might be that there is interferance on many of the wavelenghts you are currently using. I find the choppyness is not a constant problem and turning the system off and on again clears the connection.
I'd still love to know how to switch an on-going call from the Prius handsfree back to the handset on a T616. The phone will not allow an active BT connection to be disabled. The user's manual says there's a menu function to do this where you usually see the 'more' button, but the only option I see is to 'end call'.
Wouldn't that be the case in both directions then? The problems I've read about, including mine, show poor performance on one end or the other. One person said their friends had difficulty hearing them and in my case my friends can hear me fine, but I have trouble in the car. I've also heard (pun intended) that other Bluetooth phones (Nokia 6820) show a marked improvement in sound quality.
your right it should affect both directions. the problem i'm having with my earpiece fits this. It seems that this is not the case with the prius connection.
A quick answer on the transfering of a call in progress from the Prius to the phone itself: During the call, press in the "joystick" on the T616 (or T610). This will provide a menu of options, one option is "Transfer Sound". Pressing in the "joystick" again will select the option, providing you with a list of objects to transfer the sound to. Select the "To Phone" option, and viola, sound is transferred from the Prius to the phone, both speaking and listening. The Prius will remain in call mode (radio muted, etc), but you will be talking through your handset. Feel free to let me know if you need a better explanation. -Gregory Clark '04 Prius Oregon Plate: KEEBLR
It looks like you can get a firmware upgrade for the SE616 that includes some Bluetooth improvement. I'll give it a try and report back. http://www.howardforums.com/showthread.php...15&pagenumber=1
I've got a T616 with Cingular and have experienced very good sound quality at both ends of the conversation. I've got firmware release R1B027 which provides the above noted Bluetooth improvements (among other things). There may be newer releases, but this one seems to work fine with my Prius. You can check the T616 firmware version as follows: Go to StandBy screen (first screen) JoyStick Right Press * (asterisk) JoyStick Left JoyStick Left Press * (asterisk) JoyStick Left Press * (asterisk) Service Info. SW Information
Could you check that sequence please? Doesn't work for me. After 1st asterisk, I'm at Connect. Can't use joystick from there.
The sequence works for my phone. I should have been clearer about what you will see (or not see) on the display. When you reach the Connect screen the joystick/asterisk combinations do not result in changes to the screen until you press the final asterisk. Only then does it change to the Service screen where you can select Service Info. Hope that helps.
Thanks for the key combo to get into the Service menu. I didn't even know that was there! Checked my T616 version and it appears (according to the Howard's Forum thread) that I have the latest and greatest. (R1B027 prgCXC11-22569.MARTHA, R1B027 prgCXC11-22579.TAE). There are still issues with the BT connection. I used it a great deal over the weekend, and I can definitely say that talking to an Incoming Call will occasionally drop the call for no apparent reason. If I'm talking on an Outgoing Call initiated from the Prius controls, it has never once dropped on its own.
I got the flash upgrade and my T616 works like a charm. Its clear and I set it up to automatic connect to my prius once I turn on the bluetooth setting in my phone. Everything works great.
I am buying a used, unlocked, Sony Ericsson T610 which has the firmware upgrade R1B027 inside. Is this the same as a flash upgrade? Im hoping that that this will work with T-Mobil and prius ok. Awaiting pkg #9 to arrive in 3 wks.
It won't work for me either. As soon as I hit the right joystick, I'm in the screen with the various icons for the phone's features. Hitting asterisk takes me to the Connect menu. I'm not sure what's going on.
After you start the steps beginning from the Standby screen (first screen), you should ignore the displays until you see the Service screen. Some of the sequences (e.g. JoyStick Left, JoyStick Left, * (asterisk), JoyStick Left) do not result in changes to the display screen. This is really a hidden back door for service technicians. You may just want to ask your local service provider to check your phone to see if a firmware upgrade is available.
That sequence worked for my AT&T T616. I have the older R1A version. I also experience poor sound quality out of the car's speakers, although callers say they can hear me just fine. Anyone know of SF Bay Area dealers who flash these phones?