I still have my 4Runner... Oh, Air Runner. go here... http://www.airrunnersystems.com/air-suspension/tokyo-auto-salon-prize-winner-accs-2010-prius.html
I searched it, only a few things popped up, nothing pertinet to my post. Of course the website gives you basically no info, except for the drop and amount of rise it gives you. I still have my 4runner as well. I wish it were an intake mod, not sure how much that would help me out in what I am trying to do. I ordered a Tein kit, still waiting on it. didnt want coilovers, so I was trying to find out if anyone has experience with this kit. Tried talking with them at Sema 2 years ago, but the language barrier made it a tough one. Thanks guys!
Took this screen shot from there web site. Looks good to me wish I had that kinda money laying around.
I've been searching for someone who has done any type of air suspension. Haven't found anyone. I'm planning to a custom system down the line. Just have other priorities first.
I got a 5, and, kept the 4Runner You can't haul a sheet of plywood in a Prius.... The monthly payment for the car was less than gas for a month for the 4Runner
check out Universal Air Suspension Company they did my air suspension, riding just pretty bumpy other than that I love them BR Robert