Got a 30 minute test drive in Seattle on Saturday March 5, 2011 I do like the Volt. Seems like it has more pick up than the Leaf I test drove. My name is on waiting list, but not sure when they really will be available for sale in Seattle. This one was dealer demo model only, and I was 3rd person to test drive it. The Volt had great acceleration, I was able to get 0-60 and it felt fast. I didnt get to take it on the highway though.
Not sure what you mean by the question ? The heat worked fine. In fact the heated seats were too hot. It was warm in Seattle, so I even had the window down. Got some stares from Prius drivers .....
According to everything I've read the Volt heater is very weak unless the ICE is running. Early March in Seattle is usually not tropical.
Well it's not as warm in Seattle as California, but nowhere near as cold as east coast. Temps are in the 40's to 50's, with a rare cold snap being 30's. No issues with heating here I think. I think it will be more how much voltage do the windshield wipers use ?
Hmm, I wonder if that's why they wouldn't let me take it on the highway ? Above what speed is the fade, 60mph ? That's as fast as I got it, and there was no fade. Top speed is limited to 100mph I think.
Thanks for the graphs. Good to know. For my commute though, I am not on highway, so my top speed is only 60mph. But i do need 38 miles of range. I would like to see a PICC upgrade kit for a Prius about $5000, but that will probably take a few years for Li On battery costs to come down.