Just installed Bridgestone Ecopia EP100 185/65/15's on my 2004 Prius. Original Intergrys lasted 23K Second set were Michilen Destiny's (Discount Tire Only). They were great at first, but after 30,000 miles became very noisy. Finally replaced after 57,000 miles. The Ecopias were not stocked by my local Discount Tire. The manager said he had never installed them on a car and swayed me toward some Pirelli . Bleh. Driving away they are much quieter than the Destinys. I didn't drive the car while the Integritys were installed (just took the car over from my wife). Driving along my normal roads I can tell my gliding is longer even at 32 PSI. I will report gas mileage and general comfort over time. As far as price. Tirerack has them for $73. After shipping they were $84 a piece. Discount Tire wanted $92. Manager beat the Tire Rack AFTER shipping price by charging $80 a piece. After a $50 rebate the price per tire is $67.50 a piece plus tax.
Tire Rack and Costco run specials where you get a $70 rebate on Bridegstone tires. Catch one of these sales and this tire is VERY difficult to beat in terms of overall performance and savings.
After my first tank my MFD MPG went from 47.1MPG to 50.2MPG over 280 miles. My calculated by hand MPG went from 45.2 to 48.5. Overall happy. Much quieter. I only drive about 500 miles a month so these should last a few years easily. This is with the tires at 32 PSI for about 40 miles and 40 PSI for the remaining 240 miles.
Well 8,000 miles later I'm happy with the EP100s. I've averaged 47.8 MPG according the my Mileage android app. My trips are fairly short. I travel for a living (by air) and thus don't drive much. My typical drive is 14 miles to the airport parking lot and back. My longest stretch over the last year was a 40 mile..yup 40 whole mile...non stop drive. Beyond that its lots of local driving. I live in the Dallas area so lots of A/C use in the summer and heater use when it gets below 60 (I'm a Texan below 60 degrees I put on a sweatshirt...I'm not kidding). I run the tires at 40 PSI front and rear. I check the air pressure at least once a week. Overall happy with the tires. Quiet enough....I am pretty sure my 04 is quieter than my wifes' 2010. The ride is smooth enough.
I have had these tires for about a month. I haven't noticed any mpg drop which I hear is common with new tires. They handle alright. I am happy with them and look forward to many years of good driving.