My 2006 Barcelona Red #7 is ordered! Went from #5 on the list to #3 and dealer says it may come in in December (take delivery in 06 of course). They have been given all packages, 1-8. Now if it comes in mid-December, I don't even know if I'll go look at it cause... Patience, patience...$3,150.00 credit (appx)...patience. Thanks again to the fine folks of this forum! It has really helped in my decision. Aaron
Congrats! So how does that work? The car comes in December and the dealer promises not to sell it to anyone else between December and 1st of January? Do you have a big deposit on it? Just wondering...
Hey thanks! And...yes, they hold it (our arrangement/relationship)., no deposit. I see you have an 05 and wondering about deposit info...thinking of trading up/selling? Just wondering...
I'm just wondering, do you have a trade-in vehicle for the 2006 Prius you plan to take delivery of in early January? If so, what arrangements (if any) have you worked out with the dealer regarding trade-in price? I'm planning on placing an order for early 2006 delivery (the tax credit is too big for me to ignore) but I don't know how a dealer is going to give me a firm trade-in price on a vehicle that I won't be turning over to him for another two months. If anyone has any experience with this situation, please share with the rest of us. And thanks to all who contribute on this site - it's the most positive and helpful (and resourceful) web group that I have ever been involved with.
No trade in for me, that does make it easier. And yeah, you most likely will not get any kind of firm # for your trade until "the day" of your deal. I don't know your situation but I would recommend that you SELL yours if you can (hopefully not upside down or anything) because you do have some time left. You'll probably get more $ AND MOST IMPORTANTLY won't be as "vulnerable" on the deal AFTER it gets in. ie. your excited, your new car awaits, you can drive it home NOW and your trade is now...well...possibly compromised and a money maker for them. I'm not saying that all dealers are going to do that and I am saying to "prepare" yourself and YOUR deal. Just my 2 cents, Best of luck my friend, Aaron
OK here is the drill from one of the old folks that had to wait months. Read PriusChat daily. Down load the owners manual from Toyota and commit it to memory. Now you are ready for the next step down load or order "Prius New Car Features" for the 06. After that is memorized then comes the cold show phase. After that you need drugs! :lol: PS petting a Newf is a good substitute for drugs, very calming, but they do not like riding in the Prius it is a bit too small!
If possible, try to sell your car. The dealer is going to have the advantage over you come delivery/trade-in day. I guarantee he won't even offer the book trade-in value. It's his Ace-in-the-hole. He knows you're unlikely to pass on the Prius because it will mean bottom of the list, more wait and possible loss of tax credit if you do. He's kept his part of the deal and the only thing that stands between you and your new Prius is your trade. He's betting you'll give it away. I sold my car 2 weeks ago and we'll continue to be a one car family for the next 7-8 weeks just to avoid that situationl.
Aaron - so you ordered Barcelona Red - good for you! I have a 2006 on order, but haven't decided on the color yet. I've seen the small red swatch color, but have you seen the color on a car somewhere? Thanks
"I'm planning on placing an order for early 2006 delivery (the tax credit is too big for me to ignore) ..." Planning on early 2006? It might be good to order now. Sure folks get lucky with dropped cars from dealers who don't actually manage inventory and lists. But if it's a real order then order now and deal with other issues in the weeks you'll have prior to delivery, once the dealer notifies you that the car is on the boat. My 2006 order was made last June. Criteria were (1) 2006 model (2) $500 below MSRP and I added (#3) Delivery after 1/1 when the energy bill passed. It's my 2nd Prius and the dealer is straightforward, calls with updates, has the Prius list on the office wall etc. A quality dealer who manages orders realistically will usually hold the car for you. It depends on their "integrity level". Heck, the Prius I own now was for another guy who changed his mind. They let it sit for THREE WEEKS in pre-delivery inventory, staring it once each week, before he finally said "no, it's too small". I knew he was in front of me on the list and, sure enough, they called and said it was my turn and did I want it. Rather than piss him off, they honored his wishes and he's still a customer. When I ordered in June they told me the guy was their first Highlander hybrid customer.
Still waiting for Toyota to post the "New Car Features" for the 2006 Prius on Nate
Try this link for color selection - better than the US site for color examples.
I have placed an order for an '06 Pri to be delivered after 1/1/06. My dealer is offering me $19,000. trade in for my '04 Pri with pkg 5. This is really $ 20,600. as I would save on the New York State sales tax of 8.75% . There are 19,000 miles on the car and the dealer isn't worried about milage unless I go over 36k. Waiting on 06 pricing,interested in pkg5. I have a refundable $100 deposit and the car is to be at MSRP.
Thanks for the link! However, the colors on the japanese site don't seem to match with the colors being offered in the US. For example, the blue is a much brighter blue than the seaside pearl we all know and love. Althought, for me, I'd love to have some bright colors offered. Plus, there are lots of "white" looking colors on the japan site. Guess I'll just have to wait another few weeks to see the US 2006 cars! thx