I didn't realize the Clarity only started leasing summer of 2008 in LA. anyrate, here's what Top Gear has to say about it and other green cars including Prius. http://www.topgear.com/uk/video-search?Phrase=honda/clarity&Urn=honda-clarity
The clarity is lease only. The Honda guy at AltCarExpo told me that the lease is about $600/mo. and only available to residents reside within certain distance from the hydrogen filling station. There are only a handful of refueling stations in greater Los Angeles area so don't believe that it's available anywhere in CA. I test drove one and it's really smooth.
$600/mon with insurance included. You can't afford the $800,000 vehicle, really. $600 per month is a great deal if look at it that way.
They sure love to hype up something that is years and years and years away from any relevance to 99% of the planet. It's kind of like reviewing a flying car and saying this is the future. Sure, maybe in a very long time but it's a few revolutions away. Its top speed and 0-60 are comparable to the leaf. Is this an old video? Jay on the Prius, he's right, though (although I drive it to save on gas only) "In America we like everybody to know about the work we're doing anonymously).
Must be. This episode was uploaded to YouTube in '08. Cool car. Let me know when I can buy it for under $30k.
Top Gear is mostly entertainment. They love to pooh poo the Prius because it's not fun enough for them to drive or doesn't make them look good enough ... aww, poor babies. They don't say much about the troubles with creating and distributing hydrogen as a fuel. It may be the fuel of the future, but like said, if at all, it's many years away.
They really can't be taken seriously because they stretch the truth to bash something. I realize hyperbole is humorous, but you have to take what they say with a grain of salt. They claimed the Prius does 0-60 in 13.5 seconds and gets 37 MPG. Unless there's something seriously screwed up with the Prius in Britain, that's just absurd.
They're like politicians - they chose the facts that suit. They're probably refering to the 'classic' Prius rather than the gen 2 which was on sale in 2008 when the article was filmed. They're probably also using the US city mpg figures rather than the UK gallon. We're all familiar on this forum with the old US and UK mpg mixup.
That's really the key. That and it has to be profitable. Somehow, it would have to be profitable to Honda, to Hydrogen Producers and distributors. Right now, Honda has a FANTASTIC product, way ahead of the infrastructer needed to make it a viable product for the masses. IMO if you could magically wave a wand, and make the challenges of creating, distributing and obtaining hydrogen as a fuel go away? Who wouldn't want a Clarity? But it's a Hydrogen powered Cart before the Hydrogen available Horse. Still it's an amazing and very applaudable first step. I just hope advancement continues on all fronts. That this doesn't become something that in 25 years, we are looking back and saying "Wow, in 2011 Honda "already" had this technology but it took us THIS LONG before we embraced it?". But if the pace is dictated primarily by market viability and profit? This might be a long road.
Hydrogen is best thought of like electricity. How much and what source fuel is used to make it. Nowadays it is usually an exercise in cracking hydrocarbon, which is less efficient than just burning the stuff directly in a good ICE.
Well, they said 45 MPG, which I converted to 37.5 US gallons. And Jeremy Clarkson was driving around in the Gen 2. Video here. But then again, Top Gear did name the Prius City Car of the Year, so maybe it's just Clarkson who has the issue.
Well read carefully. "The Top Gear awards are selected by the TV, magazine and online teams..." So Top Gear...is more than just the hosts... My guess...Prius isn't Clarksons City Car of The Year...
I'd like to think the powers that be will pave the way for new energy and transportation when their time is right. Sounds cliche, but there are so many people profiting in the energy industry and transportation that they have a huge vested interest to keep it going. It will always cost us consumers a fair share, but will the powers be smart enough to balance it all with 'Mother Nature'? Let's hope so.
Hey, cproaudio, I suspect we were both at this event. Me and the wife sat in a Clarity and it was quite luxurious, but did not drive it. We were too busy test-driving the Leaf. I believe we also met at last week's So Cal Prius meet, but I can't place you by screen name, so I need a reminder.
The Clarity is a great program. Here's a smaller company with its limited resources, Honda, pushing the envelope and taking the risk to innovate without resting on its laurels. What's Toyota doing besides the Prius v, wagon, Lexi ?
Toyota has fuel cell vehicles: Toyota Vehicles : Toyota Fuel Cell Vehicle Demonstration Program Expands / Toyota And they are going to be getting into EV, too, like with the Rav4 EV (again). According to this fuel cell vehicles from Toyota have been available on a highly limited basis for years: [ame=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toyota_FCHV]Toyota FCHV - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame]
Honda, a smaller company with limited resources? Accord and Civic have been in top 8 selling cars for umpteen years, top 8 including F150 and Silverado which are always high in sales. Only mfr. with 3 models in top 10 in this list. http://blogs.cars.com/kickingtires/2011/03/top-10-best-selling-cars-february-2011.html Honda is the largest motorcycle manufacturer in the world. Many of them built in US. www.powersports.honda.com they are makers of Acura www.acura.com Honda has produced a corporate Jet in the US and is in process of getting it FAA certified. www.hondajet.honda.com Plus boat motors, generators, power equipment and top level racing (Indy, etc...) Toyota's had a hydrogen fuel cell for years. And they are selling hybrids mainstream, a Prius, something no one else is doing yet. Look at that, Prius #11 in US (no trucks in list) - http://www.goodcarbadcar.net/2011/03/top-20-best-selling-cars-in-america.html check out increase in Prius sales from a year ago, 80% increase?.
Yup, Honda is quite huge, in 2009 made 3M vehicles and Ford made 4.6M. Small is Mitsubishi or something but not Honda.