Hi everyone! Got mine a week ago thought I'd share my impressions Got a Grey '10 V with a Nav. I debated '10 vs '11 but I keep cars forever (like ten years..) and got a nice break for the '10. If debated IV with a roof vs V butt went for the V because of the heated seats (live in a cold climate) and the wheels. I think the car looks really sharp with the nicer wheels. I really like the car! I have a long commute and the car is quiet, has all the features I look for and gets good mileage (getting 48-50mpg so far.. haven't tried too hard). Still learning all the technology (I get bored reading the manual, working my way through it) have a lot left to learn I was surprised by how roomy the car is, especially the backseats are a lot bigger than my previous car. The smartkeys are nice.. Love the little storage area in the trunk, didn't know about that until after I bought the car! Performance is 'fine' it isn't a sportscar, but it is more than adequate. Little quibbles so far Heated seat button location (What the heck!!) this has a strong "we're done designing the dash!.. oh forgot about the heated seats" feel to it. I can't get the homelink thingy to work, it 'learns' the code but somehow it doesn't seem to work on my garage doors. My particular car has the 'Applique' which I don't love. "oh really it is a Prius? had no idea until I looked at the top of your rear bumper".. I am sure it is removable, have to look into that. Love the car! Excited to be part of the club
The IVs have leather as a standard feature which includes heated seats. Perhaps you were looking at a III? Sure wish I could get 48-50mpg's while here in Ohio; only averaging 39, but I don't drive it far enough to properly warm up everything. I wonder if anyone would actually choose to install the $69 applique. It's prob why they slap them on there before you have a chance to say no to one. The only benefit I see is they offer some degree of protection against scratching the paint. The V's are very nice - congrats!
Congrats! The PKG V is awesome! The mileage will improve as you add techniques to your driving style. Soon intuitively you will notice without looking that you are driving in a way that maximizes your mpg. Only takes a tank or two.
Welcome and Aloha, Glad your here and glad you are digging your new ride.:rockon: I have had mine for just over two months and am loving it also. If you can stand ECO mode and are not using it try it out for one tank of fuel and see if that helps with the MPG's. I agree on the heated seats button location but have only used them once so far just dose not get that cold here.
Yeah no need for a sun roof here in MN. I was sold on the wheels too! It just has an elegant look to it. After awhile you get use to the heated seat switches, its nice you can just glance down and see there on or off! Many happy V owners here: http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-iii-2010-prius-main-forum/77753-you-happy-your-pkg-v.html Enjoy the ride!
I loved your comments about Prius roominess. I just bought home an 86" shepherd's hook and it fit nicely with one rear seat down. Congrats and enjoy the V technology and Nav along with some great MPGs.
You probably have a "rolling codes" garage door opener. I think programming for that type door opener is a two step process. You have to get the home link remote to "learn" an existing remote, then you have to get your garage door opener to "accept" the Prius' signal. I hate to say this, but you'll probably need to read the manual! No, not ALL of it, just the section on programming the remote. I had problems when I first did our Prius 3 years ago, then had trouble with my Subaru too. I had forgotten the two-step procedure over the last three years! You may have to refer to the garage door manual as well, perhaps look it up online. There's usually a button you push on it during the procedure as well. Perhaps someone who knows more about it can chime in? Zhe Wiz
I just picked-up my GenIII with nav/solar pkg yesterday on the 5th. The JBL system is sweet and so far I'm lost as a goose. I came from a sport model 2009 Mazda6 and am having trouble orienting myself to the hybrid way of driving. I am trying to get my phone to transfer the address book but not there yet. I also noticed that lexus is coming out with a hybrid for about the same price as what I paid for this car. Still wondering if this is for me.
Zhe Wiz you were right! RTFM (Read The Fine Manual)... took me 30mins though... At one point I had two doors on opposites... if I pressed button 1 on the homelink, door one would open and door two would close... was a slapstick moment. Apparently it is important that you do it in exactly the right order, learn code one in car, press button on opener one... don't press any buttons (i.e. don't try the opener) then learn second door and so forth.. At least that worked for me. It worked... one less gadget needed... awesome. Thanks for the pointer
I'm also in first impressions mode, with 98 miles on the car so far. My first impressions: It's hard to keep track of how fast I'm going, with the engine sound varying by load rather than speed especially on hills (unlike my previous manual transmission, where the engine speed and pitch were a constant - I could judge my speed pretty accurately just by listening to the engine). I hope I get better at this so I don't have to be constantly watching the speedometer (or relying on cruise control). I don't particularly like the placement of the cruise control lever, it rotates with the wheel (it's hit my knee while turning the wheel, maybe I'll get the wheel and seat adjusted correctly and learn to avoid this). The shifter seems "backwards". Coming from a manual, where 1st gear (starting of forward) was ahead/left, and reverse was back/right, back for drive (forward) and ahead for reverse seems counter-intuitive. I'm sure I'll get used to it, but I didn't anticipate this difference. For now, maybe it's best that that backup beeper is there and active. I've spent a lot of time sitting in the car setting up the Nav and sound system, to the point where it shut down to protect the battery. I've pretty much got them all set up and know how everything works now, but hope I haven't drained the battery too much (I haven't started the car since my last long setup session with the phone voice dial and speed dials, etc.) I also don't much need the rear bumper applique that came on my car, and wouldn't have bought it if it wasn't already there. I don't see the point of another Prius logo, especially on the top of the bumper. It's protecting my bumper from getting scratched? So the applique gets scratched instead? I wonder if it's removable.
Glad you got it going, wish I could have seen (and heard!) you when you had the doors doing their dance! . Oh, and that RTFM translation is very different from the one *I* learned. ;-) They (FMs) aren't always evil! . Ok, maybe they are, but at least they are sometimes helpful even if evil. Zhe Wiz
Chuck, Congrats on your new Prius. The technology can be intimidating, but once you've gone through the owner's manual and get familiar with Bluetooth and more, you'll feel more confident. Enjoy the MPGs. Welcome to PriusChat.