I think we have to be realistic... fossil fuels are the best we've got for the time being, and the next generation fuel can't be treated like a bridge that we can cross when we get there. It's good that the car companies, and the responsible oil companies are already putting thoughts into solutions for a non petroleum based fuel. We gotta start thinking of this now. Hybrid technology will be an important transitional technology that will help conserve the energy that we have left. Don't think that fossil fuels only have an implication into the fuel that we use. Look around you. How much of your surroundings are petroleum based? Plastics... oil will still be important in the future, so we can't fritter it all away in fuel for our cars when we don't have to.
I think everyon ei over generalizing and some are being rather hypocritical. 1. It may be that many who drive SUV's don't fully utilitze the extra space or power/features; however, I'd wager quite a bit of money that most Pri drivers don't utilize all five seats or power/features. Most of us could probably make do with a two seater Insight or maybe even a Scooter that get's 100mpg. My point is, if you're going to be arguing against SUV's you can't hold them to a higher standard then you hold to yourself. 2. SUV's in general don't handle well because of poor engineering not because of some innate flaw in SUV design. Take for instance, the Cayan or Forrestor. These will both out-handle almost any other car (including your Prius) out there. Other's like the 4Runner or Pathfinder will handle at least as well as say a Neon or Cavalier. 3. Not everyone can afford to buy a Prius. Let's face it, Prii aren't cheap. Many SUV's are cheap and we shouldn't diss those who buy SUV's because that's what they can afford. 4. Along the lines of #3, Capitalism teaches us to always want more and better. A side-effect of this is that people want all they can get for their money. Hence, many people want bigger SUV's because they think their getting more for their money. It's the same thing when you see people at Buffets stuffing themselves to the point of being sick. Their trying to get all they can for their money. Don't fault them for this, this is how we're taught to think starting at a very young age. 5(Last One). As for SUV people driving like idiots.... I find that Camry drivers are probably the worst of the worst. SUV's in general come in second. Just my 2 cents. --GD
My vote for the worst group of drivers goes to drivers of Mopar short-wheelbase minivans. The plainer the van , the worse the driver.
Yet another reason big SUV's are hazardous: http://www.cnn.com/2005/AUTOS/tipsandadvic...over/index.html malorn, still waiting to hear why a 2004 or newer Sienna or 2005 or newer Odyssey isn't big enough. Have you brought the family out to sit in one? How about crash test results? Did you know your big SUV is only four stars, but the minivan is five? Nate
Wait a minute, no one is saying you have to go and buy a Prius instead of SUV. There are many other alternatives
I really feel for him. My heart goes out to all of Michigan (my home state) as I know GM's demise will hit hard. There is still a lot of denial in Michigan right now but the Delphi bankruptcy has left the auto industry reeling. malorn, I hope you didn't just put a bunch of money into upgrading your dealership the way Chevy has mandated in recent years. I would sell that dealership quickly. Call Gordon Page now! The new platform will not revive the segment like GM is promising. And nobody wants to drive Aveo's. This is your livelihood man, let someone else go down with the ship. Nate
My brother and I are negotiating with a Toyota dealer as we speak. Obviously I hope thta the domestics can make some type of comeback. It will not be easy. I also think it will be tough for Toyota to continue its rate of growth without major infrastructure upgrades. The infrastructure upgrades will take time and are and money.
Good for you, malorn. Everyone in Michigan is in denial. It's especially scary for my family members who work in the auto industry or are dependent upon it. I particularly worry about my sister's husband who is a supplier for GM parts-handling equipment. He will hurt the most of anyone in my family, even if GM only "restructures" like Delphi. Hopefully Toyota will let you keep your Chevrolet dealership. I read in Automotive News that Toyota forced a dealer in New York who had both Chevy and Toyota that he had to choose, so he sold off the Chevrolet dealership. I would have done the same thing, but it would be nice to sell it/ keep it on your own terms, rather than Toyota's terms. Nate
Toyota is getting very demanding, that is why the present owner wants to sell. As long as it is on separate grounds, Toyota does not have much say. That was the problem in the case you referenced. Toyota and Ford shared a facility and the growth in the Toyota business was forcing an expansion or Toyota would take the franchise. The dealer opted to make the whole facility Toyota and give up Ford. Looks like he made the right decision, at least in the short-term.
Well, not everyone is, naterprius. It used to be, several years ago, that mine was the only Toyota in the neighborhood. These days, I'm seeing more of them and the road is loaded with them, along with Hyundais, Kias and Hondas. I think that a lot of people were a bit fearful of buying an Asian car around here because it wasn't politically correct but now they're sensing that the American auto companies aren't as powerful as they used to be and can't punish them any longer for not buying their cars.
[MODERATOR NOTE] Got a little personal up there, guys. Lay off the individual attacks, personal finger pointing, and all that. If you personally know each other, take it offline. If you don't know for certain which accusations are correct and which or hearsay or speculation, keep it in your head.
I resemble that remark. Uh, the wheelbase is the same I believe, in the standard and "grand" versions of the mini-vans by Chrysler. And the mopar mini-vans are greatly superior to the junk Ford and Chevy make. However, They don't surpass the Toyota or Honda mini-vans. If you take the seats out or do the "stow and go" thing, there is not much more useable room in these Yukons and such over the minivans. I HAD 3 kids and a large dog and have used a mopar minivan since 1992. Worst drivers I have ever seen usually are driving some type of GM product. Ever notice how you will always only see things that happen to support your personal opinions and bias?
Did you mean you resent that remark? Just so you know have had a Mopar store for 12 years now, so I'm not sure what "bias" you are talking about. Are all of your posts so well-informed? Check your facts on the wheel-base, usable space. I can't argue with your opinion though.
speaking of SUV's, over the weekend, I saw a REAL Hummer... Military style desert camo, real bare-bones, cloth-top, looked beat to hell, like whomever owned it actually used it for construction work or climbing up rock faces, wicked cool, the kind of "beat to hell" vehicle where you could toss a large soda onto the dash and it wouldn't matter. THOSE are cool, not some Suburban with an elaborate body kit, for which you'll likely never off-road in the thing ANYWAY. Everytime I see the REAL Hummers I think of just how much of a rip-off the current H2 is. Which reminds me, somewhere on the internet, was a vid. of late model H2 trying to navigate a rocky mountain path in which it doesn't even get a hundred feet before one of the tie-rods snap... Granted, it could have been a freak occurrance, but damn, you MIGHT think a vehicle as such would have super-industrial components, at the very least, on suspension components that are likely to take the most abuse in such conditions. Now I'm starting to see H3's all over the place...
Squid, The HMMWV is great! Tons of power and really rugged. They can go just about anywhere. You changed your avatar Egads.