The time has come to retire my 4 year old Sony. It has been through hell and been been great, but is starting to show her age. She doesn't have much time left. Due to poor customer service from Sony on one of their POS TVs, there will never be any Sony products in my home again. I Have a Defective Sony TV | Facebook I think I would really like a tablet. I really like the Xoom, but they don't have a wifi model and I refuse to pay $800.00 for one to avoid a 2 year contract. They are $600.00 with a 2yr. contract. Apparently they have a wifi version coming, but who knows when that will be. I currently have a Droid X. I have never owned an Apple product. Nothing. Not even an ipod. For the most part, I think they are way overpriced. But, in this case, it is cheaper to get an iPad over a Xoom. Since I have always had PCs and now have my Droid X, do you think I would like the iPad? Would it be hard to get used to or use? What brands of notebooks/netbooks is everyone using incase I go that route? I have never paid more than $600.00, and would like to stay in that range. That way if it gets lost/stolen/broke, I will just replace it. Bret
Re: Notebook vs. Netbook vs. Table What will be your main use for the device? A tablet is not a netbook or a notebook.
Re: Notebook vs. Netbook vs. Table Consider checking around for a computer refurbisher, and getting a rebuilt laptop. Here where I live, it is possible to get a nicely equipped laptop, all rebuilt, for about $200. I do have a Netbook, which is nice for when we travel, but the keyboard is too small for constant, daily use (even for my rather small hands). You might find a tablet works well, but regardless of what you have for your email and Internet use, be sure that you have a main computer for backing up your photos and documents, as laptops and netbooks are more likely to suffer "injury", due to being so portable, if not outright loss due to theft. The netbook I have is an Acer, which works well for what I use it for.
Re: Notebook vs. Netbook vs. Table I highly recommend an iPad + a Desktop. On the iPad, everything just works. The hardware is tops (vs. the imitators) and the software/OS is smooth and reliable. Plus there's plenty of customer and user support out there nowadays. And I'm not saying this just b/c I'm macmaster. "+ a Desktop" because while the iPad is great for walking around in the house or outside with, sometimes you'll need the desktop for other tasks and to serve as a base for your iPad. Desktops can be found for cheap, there's no need to go fancy here. Good luck.
Re: Notebook vs. Netbook vs. Table Short version. If the vast majority of your device use will be "consuming", surfing the web, reading email etc, then a tablet is a good solution. If you will be doing a lot of input (typing) then a tablet isn't such a hot thing, although there are add-on keyboards for some. Cogitate for a while on what you want to do with your new device, then decide based on planned use.
Re: Notebook vs. Netbook vs. Table You'll discover tablets can be remarkably handy for certain things. My latest unexpected was realizing that I could surf the net from on my exercise bike. Sywpe is really nice for rapid text entry without having to type. Right now to enter this, I'm using a Bluetooth keyboard with my Droid. .
Re: Notebook vs. Netbook vs. Table I have a 7 inch Brand-X Android 2.3 tablet on order. Thanks for the heads up on sywpe.
Re: Notebook vs. Netbook vs. Table The little Acer net books are nice. I have to disagree with the iPad though. I want to love mine...I really do, but every other day it seems I am getting tired of one thing or another about it. Mainly it's been the issue with having to reset the network connection all of the time despite having high signal strength. Whatever you get though, if it is portable make sure to password protect it at the boot level and/or invest in locating software.
Re: Notebook vs. Netbook vs. Table Thanks for all the responses. I have some thinking to do! We do have a desktop that everything is backed up to. I think we also have that backed up to one of those back up services somewhere. We also have a couple extra laptops (mostly retired Dells) that still work if I needed to use one of those for some reason. What I think I would really like is to be able to get a WiFi tablet, and turn my phone into a hotspot. It would only be $20 per month for 2gig. That way I wouldn't have to sign a 2 year contract for $35 month. What are the choices out there right now for Android tablets?
Re: Notebook vs. Netbook vs. Table I suggest heading down to an Apple store to play with a tablet for a while. In particular type on it. Some people have no trouble at all from the get go, but I had problems and I am not sure I can adapt to a point that even comes close to my regular keyboard proficiency. Also note that the virtual keyboard does not have meta keys. I am not against the iPad at all --- for my wife. That is not meant to be a sexist comment, only to say that tablets fit some people extremely well, but they are not for everybody.
Re: Notebook vs. Netbook vs. Table Ever since I got my Acer netbook 2.5 years ago, I stopped using my desktop. 10 Watts consumption vs. 200-400 Watts was a huge difference and I still have the button keyboard for typing with the netbook. I also have iPhone 4 when I am not using my netbook. Those two are a great combo that use very little electricity. I am thinking about getting iPad2 and will probably never go back to desktops. Upgrading desktops used to be my hobby. I started back in the days when sound blaster and modem were the add-ons.
Re: Notebook vs. Netbook vs. Table Great suggestion. I like to rest my fingers on the keyboard buttons and only press down one finger at a time (proper typing technique). With the virtual keyboard, you need to keep your fingers up and not touch the screen. Fingers get tired. LOL. Virtual keyboard is great for those type using only one or two fingers.
I am a Mac not a PC so I am kinda bias. My on my third computer now. First Gateway desktop vintage 1998 out in my shed it's inoperative. Second Dell XPS laptop 15" circa 2004 still works when I need it to. My third is another laptop but I went Mac got a 15" Mac Book Pro almost two years ago 2009. I would liked to have a desktop and a tablet but finances limited me to one choice. I needed both portability and full function so I picked the laptop. Then I went with the mid sized one not to big not to small. From what I have experienced in the last two years the Apple is a good machine. I would look at the 13 inch Mac Book, Mac Book Pro, Mac Book Air, or one of the iPads. But as mentioned above the iPad and a second machine would be the way to go. Thinking of adding a iPad in the mix as a go between for my iPhone and Mac Book. I also need Windows OS for work so I am running Windows7 on my Mac either via Boot Camp or as a virtual machine true VMware Fusion. Boot Camp is on every Mac so if you need Windows you can run it on a Mac. Hope that helps have fun at the Apple Store!
Re: Notebook vs. Netbook vs. Table I'm partial to desktops, for their upgrade flexibility, price, etc. I guess it depends on your circumstances. I've used a family member's laptop: it didn't have a mouse, just the built in touch-pad. Found that maddening.
Re: Notebook vs. Netbook vs. Table We just purchased an iPad yesterday, we got the 1st gen wifi being as they are now selling them for $100 off. So if you're looking to try an iPad and don't care about the cameras and other features of the gen 2 iPad, nows a good time to get one. We got the 16Gb version for $399...
Re: Notebook vs. Netbook vs. Table Great purchase! Apple's 1st gen products or complete redesigns always seem superior in build because they spend so much freaking time on it! I have an original Aluminum 15" Powerbook from 2005 and it is a champ.
Re: Notebook vs. Netbook vs. Table Maybe your info about Apple products is a bit dated or skewed. They've long been pretty competitive when one looks inside the box. PCs always come at low-ball prices but when you consider the obligatory add-ons to get your PC the way you want/need it, it nickels and dimes you to death in added costs or labor. For instance, how much time do you spend each month downloading anti-virus definitions or bug releases from Redmond every Tuesday? Heck, I'm posting this from an 11-year old G4 PowerMac and this 'old netsurfing toaster' has never run an anti-virus app. I've friends and relatives who've switched to Macs and none have yet required a visit from the PC 'geek mobile'. In fact, when you read the advertising fliers and inserts from these PC entrepreneurs, you don't even see the word 'Mac'. Mac-switchers tell me that their transition was ridiculously easy and none to my knowledge have ever reverted to their old PCs. The dirty little secret is that once one becomes PC adept, they've already absorbed far more than enough knowledge to happily transition to a Mac. Why not consider visiting an Apple store to try out an iPad before you commit to an untested tablet that offers a lot less application versatility. From what you've posted, it seems you value reliability and customer service... and Apple has been top-rated in both categories for years. FWIW, I'm just an longtime Apple user(circa 1989 Mac SE), and not even a stockholder... unfortunately! Here's an article that pretty much summarizes the current tablet landscape.
Re: Notebook vs. Netbook vs. Table Noob. Our first mac was the 512k. Man I hated the keyboard and mouse on that thing. I was reminded how clunky they were every day at work when I used an SE. A year later I bought an LC, and that computer and every one since has been a delight. I take it back. The 'hockey puck' was annoying.