Hello, I tried searching around if anyone else has the same problem but I failed, that or I just didnt look hard enough. Well heres the deal, I have a 2004 Prius. Just rolled 120k today, still running like a champ, but I started having this weird issue. Whenever I walk up to the car, it opens by itself.I dont even have to put my hand on the door handle, I just get close to the drivers door and it opens, of course with the smart key in my pocket. Its only the drivers door as well. I find this a little weird plus its hard to lock the door with the black square because if I dont run out of range...it unlocks. If anyone would have a link and/or a possible fix, that would be awesome. Its not really a severe problem but I would like to get it done soon. Thanks for future notice, Dan.
I would guess that the sensor on the drivers door is dirty or something.... Maybe there is a little mud or something up there that it's detecting, and thinking it's your hand.
I think the capacitive sensor in the drivers door handle is bad - it is activated all of the time, so when your smart key is in range it unlocks the door. As a work around to lock the door, you could use the button on the fob to lock the door after you get out of range (about 1m or 3 ft)
New (used) Prius owner here! I thought that was how it was supposed to work! Same issue here on my 05' with 83k on it. I'll be watching the thread for a fix myself. Thanks!
that would be sweet! i lock mine at the trunk anyway, i can never tell at the door if it beeps or see the lites flash,
It opens or do you mean it unlocks? The car doesn't have the internal mechanics to physically open the door by itself. If yours is, then you have some kind of paranormal activity going on.
Yep sounds like a sensor situation where it always thinks there is a hand there. Perhaps Thing from the Addams Family is nearby? Clean the door handle area thoroughly and see if it goes away.